Should we start getting used to those words? Is there a way to fight the wave that seems to have overcome our foreign policy, starting a number of decades ago, but looking more and more like the offerings of nearly all republicans, too many Democrats and an unbelievable amount of our own Presidential candidates.
With such an overwhelming percentage of the American population being against any more of Iraq than is necessary to get our troops out, with no feasible or credible reason do be chest thumping at Iran and a resolution that overwhelmingly passed the Senate yesterday that all but dared Bush and Cheney to take military action against Iran, what else can one think?
I know that I don’t want to see this happen. And I know that many, MANY others in this country don’t want to see this either. However, our “leading candidates in a very strong field” (1) won’t commit to fully leaving Iraq, (2) have mentioned another 4 or 5 years of this waste of money and lives and (3) have no problem playing into a right wing and republican frame about national security, the situation in Iraq and the absolute insanity that would be an attack on Iran. So what does that give us?
Well, it gives us options like Dodd, who is the best candidate nobody has ever heard of. And that is the problem.
There is absolutely no end in sight for this occupation of Iraq. There isn’t even pretending anymore. Hell, even Friedman said that there shouldn’t be anymore Friedman Units. When did 50,000 troops for “the foreseeable future” become the bar? Oh, and what about Afghanistan and Pakistan – the two countries (other than Saudi Arabia) that we should be concerned with? Or a man named Osama bin-somethingorother?
We elected a whole bunch of Democrats who promised to get us to a point where there is less war, not more. And “doing all you can” is not nearly good enough, or honest. We need leaders that will be strong and bold and do the right thing – taking actions and not the status quo. We need fighters. What happened to the “new Congress in town”?
There is very little room for excuses when it comes to risking Americans’ lives. There is no excuse when that responsibility is abrogated for no reason that can be explained logically and factually without being purely political. This country is already bogged down in two occupations, has an unimaginable amount of debt, the housing market is crashing and the military-industrial complex keeps chugging along.
All that doesn’t even consider the amount of major problems that are facing the majority of the people in this country. Spending nearly all of our money, lives and effort on meaningless wars that are failing miserably is insane. Yet, all we are given is a date of 2013 and tens of thousands of troops in Iraq for who knows how long. And what now looks like 4 days wasted for the condemnation of a few words and ads.
Iraq is bad enough. Actually, words can no longer describe what Iraq actually “is”. And now, suddenly, the Senate has put Iran “on the table”? By a large margin, I might add. How is this anything BUT tacit approval for more aggressive action in further provoking an all out holy war in the Middle East.
This Lieberman/Kyl Amendment was a very dangerous one. And now, whatever unfolds in the Middle East will be hung around the necks of anyone who voted for this amendment. Or fell into the right wing frame on foreign policy and national security. Or failed to take bold action and a leadership role in doing everything possible to diffuse and prevent something with implications far exceeding any measurable level of arrogance and stupidity.
We are heading for never-ending war. An economy based on war. Outsourced war, so few profit greatly from it. Do we want to continue this policy? And how can we even stop this from continuing to unfold before us? Lives ending too soon and needlessly.
Is there anyone bold enough to stop it, and enough of a leader to step up at this crucial time in history?
We can’t afford for there not to have one.
also in orange
I’ve been with Dodd in my mind ever since Feingold dropped out. He may get some traction, yet.
1945-1993 Is what I have been posting. These years represent the time span when the Allied Forces finally left Berlin Germany.
In reference to Iraq I place the time frame as far, far shorter. The “never ending” war ends when the United States ends. That date is 2010.
I also believe that the way all this might end is with a collapse of the United States, which, as presently configured, is clearly no more sustainable than the Soviet Union was.
But I give the US at least a couple of more decades. I’d be glad if you could let us know why you think the US has only three years left.
First off I don’t believe the US government funtions in any way shape or form for the benefit of US citizens. It has instead given way to far more powerful global interests.
Looking back at decisions made during my lifetime I also think the decline is deliberate and engineered.
These are just a few but also in addition to this we are a nation so easily devastated by even a blip in the flow of oil.
Also in the entire history of all of mankind elite authoritarian personalities of all types have been able to maintain civilizations,good or evil, until the US promised equality for all. Our “greatness” has meant 300 million use most of the energy these very same elite assholes could profit much more handsomely from were it more “equitably” divided amongst the 6 billion world population.
Beyond this media it would easily make a good book.
Here is another one.
The exponentially increasing destructive insanity in every area of human endeavour in this country. That’s what is evident, at least to me.
Yes, I sent Dodd a few bucks yesterday. He’s been saying the right things, and I appreciate his outspokenness on civil liberties.
I cannot believe Clinton was foolish enough to vote for “Iran better watch itself!” In the last debate, she was really taken aback when her vote was attacked.
The US has been on a permanent war-footing since at least 1948…60 years during which the ‘prosperity’ of the country has been articially inflated, and the riches of the oligarchs have been padded exponentially…The Dems know what the Pukes know: WITHOUT the economic stimuli associated with the perpetual “war” economy, they couldn’t get elected dog-catcher. There is at least one military base, or big military contractor, in every one of the 435 Congressional districts. Nothing is gonna change…
Definitely agree with your post. What is so depressing is that we will probably end up with the choice when pulling the lever in 08 of one candidate (R) who will definitely pursue never-ending wars and one (D) we don’t trust not to pursue never-ending wars.
I’ve just about given up on the Democratic Party but unfortunately there isn’t an alternative available.
The Dems could have had millions of charged up, energized supporters willing to open their wallets and work tirelessly for them. All they had to do was fight vigorously for ending the occupation and to stop an attack on Iran. Instead, they chose to do nothing or even worse support Bush’s agenda (Iraq blank check, Lieberman/Kyl Amendment etc.) which has completely demoralized the people who contribute and volunteer.