Rick Noriega, Dan Grant and John Edwards 3 Great Democrats To Get Elected

The Latest Podcast from Doing My Part For The Left

Enjoy! — refinish69

I am sick and tired of being told I should vote for someone just because they have a D in front of their name.  I refuse to vote for Blue Dog Democrats who do not represent me. If I wanted Republican Lite, I would vote Republican.  I want Liberal Democrats who believe in the people of this country and are willing to stand up for Equal Rights for all Americans.
Just look what happened this week in Congress when the wimps in the Democratic Party had to remove gender identification from Employment Non-Discrimination Act.  They didn’t have the votes to pass it with the language left in because of so many Blue Dog(Conservative) Democrats who are willing to throw the Transgender Community under the bus.  Well, I am sick and tired of this attitude and I say we elect Democrats with some balls and core values that represent Democratic Core Values!!!

In Texas we have a primary race heating up for the US Senate Race.  You can choice ANTI-CHOICE Candidate Mikal Watts whose only claim to electablility so far is how much money he can lend his campaign or you can chose a True Texas Leader- Rick Noriega.

Rick has served 5 terms in the Texas Legislature and has a 100% rating from NARAL and Planned Parenthood.  He has also stood up for the GLBT Community in Texas every time a vote has come up.  This is the type of Leader we need in D. C. Rick has been endorsed by Votevets.org as well as Democracy for Texas.  These are just a few of the great endorsements he has received so far. 

Join Team Noriega by donating to the campaign.

Noriega Express

Team Noriega

Mikal Watts For US Senate

Dan Grant is another great Texan running for US Congress in Texas Congressional District 10.


A Fresh Start in a New Direction

Foreign policy expert Dan Grant has served in Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia, and Kosovo as a civilian. Now he’s offering the families and small businesses of District 10 a fresh start and a new direction in Congress.

“We need a positive change in Washington to restore balance, integrity, and mainstream values to our representation in the corridors of Congress,” Grant says. “Let’s honor tradition but not be tied to it, learn from the past but not live in it, renew our faith in the future – and have the courage to step up and shape it.”

Grant returned this year to his hometown of Austin after serving as part of the international team in Baghdad. He is calling for positive change to improve national security, move toward energy independence, reduce the national debt, and provide a level playing field for middle-class families who work hard and play by the rules.

Grant has an unusually strong grounding in small-d democracy and foreign affairs. In Iraq, his duties included helping the Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq prepare and conduct the historic elections of 2005. He consulted with international military forces and local leaders in Basra, Fallujah, and Mosul.

Read more about Dan at Dan Grant For Congress

John Edwards is the man to lead America in a new direction and make this country the great county it should be.  He is not afraid to speak out a say what needs to be done or that the work will be tough and take all Americans working together to make this change.  This is so refreshing considering the platitudes and non statements we are receiving from the other candidates.  Let’s elect a True Leader as President instead of continuing the Clinton Dynasty which brought us NAFTA or electing the King of Platitudes- Obama.

Down With K Street