Bowers has thoughtfully put together some electoral college maps that, based on the latest state polling, show that Rudy Guiliani is the best hope for the Republicans. For example, Rudy crushes Edwards 327-211 and Obama 297-229, while Romney loses to Edwards 362–176 and Obama 344–186. This, of course, is not news to rank-and-file wingnut Republicans, like Congressman Pete Sessions of Texas. But Sessions must explain to his wingnut constituents why they should be voting for a gay-loving, pro-choice, immigrant coddling, philandering and fornicating low-life, like the former mayor of all that is evil and wrong. The gymnastics are delectable.

“Mayor Giuliani respects the values of social conservatism, and his position on these issues would categorize him as a predominately pro-life Member of Congress.”

Just call him pro-life and the problem is mostly solved. Call him anti-gay while you’re at it. Say anything…you always do.

The one thing Guiliani will do that conservatives will like, is he will take away more of your privacy and your civil liberties. You want to live in a country like that? Vote for Rudy. But he ain’t a social conservative. He’s from Brooklyn. He’s a politician. He’s dresses in drag whenever he gets the chance. He gets a new girlfriend every few years. He ain’t going to church…he’s going to the Yankees game.

It will be delicious watching the GOP explain to their socially conservative base that none of their concerns matter: God, guns, gays, or immigration, because Rudy is on their side.

More intellectual bankruptcy.