friday news dump
watch where you step
The world always makes the assumption that the exposure of an error is identical with the discovery of truth–that the error and truth are simply opposite. They are nothing of the sort. What the world turns to, when it is cured on one error, is usually simply another error, and maybe one worse than the first one. h.l.mencken
l’m glad you asked…but unfortunately, they don’t seem to get it:
but it’s really hard to concentrate when they’re blowing people up and the countries in the midst of devolving even farther back than the 16th century:
nation building’s hard work, eh chimpy?
BushCo™ has the midas touch when it comes to fattening the wallets of the military-industrial complex:
so what’s the response?…let’s harrass them in iraq…they don’t want to se us achieve victory there…
it’s good to know that competent people are in charge.
paul krugman looks into the mindset of the modern compassionate conservative, and it’s not funny:
ayn rand must be proud.
the ratpublicans once again show haow they support the troops:
1 fu©king day!
supporting the troops….<long string of expletives deleted>
Byrd of the senate speaks up…again:
l remember Byrd’s eloquent speech in the senate regarding the Iraq War,
“Unprovoked Invasion of A Sovereign Nation”
…wonder if any, but the usual suspects, are listening.
unlikely, given the recent quiescence of the democratic majority.
this one’ll soon be a jailbird if he doesn’t change his ways and abandon his life of crime.
from aberdeen, scotland:
scotland yard’s all over it:
h/t ndd for the tip
gotz to give my Rock’s some props…
they came into
chris’ yard and took two….
now, l’m reluctant to say sweep, because both these ball clubs have some big hitters, and they’re playing in two of the most hitter friendly parks in the country…but broom sales have skyrocketed in the denver metro area.
this is fun, it’s been a long time…
Nikon International Small World Competition winners (click image for link):
1st Place, by Gloria Kwon
Double transgenic mouse embryo, 18.5 days (17x)
Photo entries at the link.
I`ve seen larger urinals. At first I couldn`t figure out how both images were connected.
Holy cramps, said Batman`s secretary.
Pinochet’s wife and 5 sons and daughters arrested in chile :o)
Pagina 12 reports that not only his family was arrested, but also civilians (some of them lawyers) who workrd for him.They say that there is a new badge of judges that ha ve a new attitude towards human rights violations Here is a list of those indicted and arrested
Thus the “coming home to roost” turn of phrase.
Hi Tony!!!!! How are you doing?
I`m cool. Hope all`s well with you, Nico
Check in on me here, to see.
Thanks! Just went there and love your stuff.
Hmm, what could we learn from this ….?
puts lie to the chaos hawk’s theory that any withdrawal will “produce extraordinary suffering and bloodshed“…
which goes a long way in explaining this.
the neoCons are flailing about like dying fish in the bottom of the boat…and the stench is getting worse.
chris floyd fires up the wayback machine and ressurects a very prescient piece from oct 4 2002…six months before the first bombs fell in iraq:
all the usual suspects are there. the carlyle group, halliburton, et al. like he says: “These men have shown that they put profit above everything else — and for them there is no profit in peace.”
recommended reading
Good ones.
I was by early this morning & read & clicked 4`s for your work.
I`ll keep my eyes open for the dump.
I`m not GAZEBO THE FORETELLER, but I, like many others, could have written that same piece, using more swear words.
And yet, no one will stand up & tell the monkey to “SIT DOWN & SHUT THE FUCK UP!!”.
Cruz, might want to send his comment to the white house. Anonymously, of course.
great photo of Fox News in the heading bro…. ; )
ohhh but for the day when the news will include the judgement and imprisonment of these scoundrels making policy…..
I’m gonna stick around that long to see that, then I can rest in peace….;)
peace man,
I think the average lifespan stats will be climbing quite a bit, as more people wait for the inevitable outcome that shall come to pass, for the monkey & his tribe, before passing away themselves.
good to see yer still fightin’ the bastads, iPig…
live long and prosper my friend
peace bro