Hat tip to Your Right Hand Thief.
I’ve often wondered what the Democratic candidates have in store for my beleaguered birthplace. Ray in New Orleans has compiled a list of Dem candidates who have plans for the city in their platforms.
In terms of interest and “rough order of worthiness,” they are:
- Obama
- Edwards
- Clinton
- Richardson
- Dodd
- Biden
- Kucinich
- Gravel
Ray cautioned that if you’re only looking for substance, stick with the first three.
I leave it to you to come to your own conclusions about who would have the best plan to save the city, but its not much to go on, as Ray relates.
1. Obama’s Katrina Fact Sheet(pdf)
Ray says
It hits a lot of the main points. Short on details on all of them. I’d like to see more details on schools, on insurance reform, on economic recovery.
A quick read gives the impression that he’s more thorough on the Katrina issues he does address, but he doesn’t even mention the word insurance and he’s the only one to not call for Category 5 hurricane protection (although he agrees 100-year protection is inadequate).
Shorter and much vaguer than Obama’s, although she at least mentions insurance reform. More good info on Hillary’s plan hyah and hyah.
These recovery plans only offer just enough to make them appear that they care. Lawd only knows what will occur when they sit in the Oval Office, and choose who will be at HUD, Justice and Homeland Security when the misbegotten reign of George Bush has finally ended (if it ends). There is no try, only do, as I heard it said in Star Wars. Or do not. Doing little or nothing hasn’t gotten us very far. The words will not have substance until there is action to back them up.
BTW, Ray also tried to find the Republican candidates’ recovery plans for New Orleans, but:
I looked at Romney and Rudy’s sites, and so far both put out statements basically saying “Our hearts and prayers go out to the Katrina victims. Sucks to be you.”
I think the GOP platform is “Not Our Problem, Dude”, so it makes sense that they wouldn’t have to outline their plan to do nothing.
And I just wish that they would do something.
the GOP just wants to count those Louisiana electoral votes. They don’t give a damn about the city.