I haven’t had power all day, so I read Robert Draper’s Dead Certain: The Presidency of George W. Bush instead of blogging. And I buried a dead chicken. Interesting exercise for this city slicker.
I see I missed the announcement that Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize. After the Republicans get done reminding you that Yasser Arafat also won that prize, their heads will explode. I think it is odd to give a peace prize to a guy for environmental advocacy, but given the current energy wars (which will probably get more Mad-Maxed-Out with each passing decade) I can sign on with it. Good for Fat Albert. Nice show.
Here’s a little tid bit from the Bush bio.
Three days later, on December 21 [2005], at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Bush visited several wounded soldiers. One of them, a young man from Trinidad who was not an American citizen, lay in critical condition and would not live to see Christmas. Bush held the hand of the soldier’s mother as she sobbed.
Through her tears, she did not see opportunity. “How could you do this!” she cried to her son’s commander in chief. And then, thinking of Bush’s two children, who would never face combat: “THIS IS NOT YOUR DAUGHTER!”
On the helicopter ride back to the White House, Bush murmured to an aide, “That big black woman was really angry with me.”
He thought for a moment before adding, “I don’t blame her.” He turned to the window of Marine One and said nothing else.
This is one of the few anecdotes in the book that does not involve Bush riding his bike.
He thought for a moment before adding, “I don’t blame her.” He turned to the window of Marine One and said nothing else.
If there was a really fair draft in America with everyone serving (both male and female), I really doubt even George Bush would have started any war in Iraq. At the least, his wife would have never let that happen! That is the lesson from this anecdote, IMO, and it’s an important one for a democracy’s survival!!!
I have to ask, what’s the story on the chicken?
Would you recommend Draper’s book? Is it worth dropping $23.00 (ouch!!)?
What…no Sweet Baby Ray’s?
I’ve never had it but it sounds delectable.
He has the chickens delivered to his hotel room by the truck load never to reemerge.. I’ve alway speculated that he used them in some sort of a ritualistic sacrifice to Bill Bradley. Since he’s just burying only one, my assumption would seem to be incorrect. Somehow this leaves me more disturbed than ever.
Maybe he’s backing a more plausibly electable candidate and just doesn’t need a whole truckload of chickens this time.
BooMan had better step to the plate and defend himself on this one. If he ignores it, next thing you know the wingers will have him right there with the Clinton’s burying Vince Foster in his back yard.
I guess a lot of you don’t know about Clucky Chuckie, Booman’s pet chicken. He got the little guy soon after the death of his beloved newfoundland. Anyone who’s been to DL Philadelphia has either heard Booman talk with pride about Clucky Chuckie the Chicken, or had the opportunity to meet the bird. Chuckie’s plumage was awe-inspiring.
Unfortunately, the recent cold weather was too much for the little guy, and he took sick. Clucky Chuckie finally passed away this morning, clucking out a final “Bgawk I love you Booman” before going home to that giant nest in the sky.
We were all very sad. The end.
it’s all true, except for the parts Chris made up.
Wow, I’m speechless.
My deepest condolences.
I just heard that there’s been an emergency meeting of the Supreme Court, and they’ve decided (on a 5–4 majority) to award the Nobel Peace Prize to George W Bush.
That joke was old BEFORE they announced the Nobel winners…
I have to join MikeinOhio about the chicken. I’m really hoping Chris and the others aren’t right!
Mike, Sweet Baby Rays is an excellent BBQ sauce; it is delectable!
I’m no Bush supporter, but I have to say that’s a worthwhile anecdote about him. I’m relieved to learn that he can feel anything that deeply.
I haven’t really had a lot of doubt that Bush can feel things deeply. But I think, at his core, that Bush is really an emotionally tortured individual. I think he feels things but is horribly inept at expressing any empathy that he might feel and is not comfortable with confronting his inability to feel other’s pain. When he is confronted directly with a visceral reaction from someone who has been horribly hurt as the direct result of one of his decisions, he folds back into his innate insecurity and his emotional immaturity.
For all his bluster, blow and outwardly cocky confidence, he is, deep down, a very troubled individual.
Poor chicken. RIP.