A third Ohioan Republican representative is calling it quits. David Hobson represents Ohio’s Seventh District. Like his retiring colleague, Ralph Regula (OH-16), he sits on the Appropriations committee. Deborah Price(OH-15), a former member of the House leadership, is the other retiree. That’s a lot of firepower to lose from one state. Add in the unexpected death of Paul Gillmor (OH-05) and the likely retirement of Steve Chabot (OH-01) and it is getting very lonely for Minority Leader John Boehner (OH-08). Things are looking very grim for the GOP in Ohio and it will be almost impossible for the Republicans to retain the White House without winning the Buckeye State.
At this point, it’s hard to say which districts are safe-Republican districts. A new poll (.pdf) shows Rep. Don Young (AK-At Large) trailing Ethan Berkowitz 46%-51%. And the GOP is begging Steve Pearce (NM-02) not to run for the Senate because they don’t want to leave his House seat open. He won re-election with 60% of the vote. What does that tell you?
I am a half emptier! Have been for as far back as I can remember,so what this latest resignation tells me is that as the landscape gets increasingly desperate, the cornered rat get bolder! Just watch the chimp and his handlers.Remember- this piece of excrement displays zero disregard for the people not only in this country but in the world. Think Iran, Think the sending of the house slave to Russia and having her but into Russian politics after getting bitch slapped by Putin. Think a veto of SCHIP in the direct blatant display of over 70% of the public. Think of the complete disregad for the basic tenets of the Constitution!
The position of a true Half- Emptier!
Dude, a Democrat is polling ahead in a state-wide Alaska poll. Take a moment to enjoy it.
Don’t you wonder if there’s an unseen hand to all this? It’s no secret there are those in the CIA who hate Bush and his policies. One can’t help but wonder if someone is running an operation to weaken the Republicans, knowing that our vote is so at risk a majority vote may not be enough to remove them from office.
As the CIA’s original Godfather, Allen Dulles, used to teach new recruits, there’s no such thing as coincidence.
I don’t think so. Bush has just been a really, really bad president. And the Republicans turned out not to be about small government and a humble foreign policy. And now that they’re out of power it’s no fun. Wait until we have a Democratic AG and Dem led FBI. That’s when Republicans will really have to worry. I mean, do you think Gonzales didn’t do everything he could to slow down the investigation of GOP corruption…and still.
I think you’re a bit optimistic here, though, Booman. A Democratic AG and a Democratic head of the FBI are going to be dealing with partisan boobytraps left by this administration for a loooong time. Just look at the Civil Rights division of the Justice Department to see the kind of partisan appointees who want to scuttle the whole system that they’re going to be dealing with (and that’s only one of the divisions that’s been getting press – who knows how bad some of the other ones are going to be). I don’t envy the next Democratic administration – they’re going to be dealing with a war abroad, trying to figure out ways to fund the government again, and dealing with partisan booby-traps in their own administrative machinery for their entire term in office. It’s not going to be a fun 4-8 years, I think.
It has been impossible for the GOP to argue that the investigations of Republican lawmakers and appointees are lopsided because of partisanship. As soon as there is a Dem AG they will make that accusation relentlessly. And it will have some effect.
But I think a lot of investigations would have been prosecuted by now if not for foot-dragging and obstructionism at the top of the DOJ.
There’s no need for a conspiracy theory on this one – the GOP Congressional gaggle is rudderless. Their leaders have left them high and dry. Gingrich, Delay, Bush – all of them were calling the shots and now all of them are either gone or, in the case of Bush, a lame duck.
On top of that, the “theories” that got them into office have proven to be terribly unpopular. Conservative governance is pretty much shot as a campaign slogan. They were lousy at governing even before the evidence of massive corruption started to peek through to the world.
And these guys in the House aren’t exactly the brightest bulbs on the Christmas tree, if you know what I mean. A lot of them were picked by the “machine” for their ability to be good “soldiers” – to do what they were told, toe the line, and spout their talking points. They weren’t picked for their ideas, their independent thought, or their leadership ability. Well, now they’re screwed because there isn’t anyone left who can tell them what to do. Now’s the time to get while the gettin’s good. Perhaps they can pick up a lobbyist job if they get out now – spouting talking points and greasing palms is pretty close to what they were doing in the House anyway.
No need for a conspiracy theory here – the Republicans ran into the one thing that their movement couldn’t stand up against – abject failure and repudiation by the American people. They never planned for that.
Thanks so much for keeping up with all this, BooMan. You give me heart. And hope.
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