Last night on PBS’ FRONTLINE I watched a program called “Cheney’s Law” which reviewed Dick Cheney’s 30-plus-year campaign to create what is essentially absolute power in the hands of the President. This is not, as many of the news organizations that have commented on the program have said, new information. But it was presented by producer Michael Kirk through interviews with White House insiders and credible news analysts in distinct focus.

One thing that this program has me wondering is whether or not we will ask any of the current crop of presidential candidates how they plan to use signing statements, interim appointments, or any of the other things Bush has used to ignore the wishes of Congress and the people. I, for one, would like to know if they hold Cheney’s view that the president can do just about anything he or she wants under the guise of being “Commander in Chief.” Do they agree that Congress makes laws for Americans to obey, but not the Federal Government?

If you did not see it, it can be viewed at the PBS web site. I would also point out that, at 11:00 AM this morning (I’m writing this at 8:10 AM) Kirk will be taking questions at the Washington Post’s web site, and you can post questions or comments now.

Under The LobsterScope