If you are tired of losing, today has not been a good day. First we learned that Sen. Jay Rockefeller bent over and asked Cheney to do him sans lube, then we lost the S-CHIP override. But there is good news.
Armando started it by encouraging Sen. Chris Dodd to filibuster the FISA bill if it includes immunity for telecommunications corporations.
Senator Dodd, do what you must, including a filibuster, to stop this evisceration of the separation of powers, of civil liberties, of honesty, fairness and justice. Implore your Dem colleagues, especially your fellow Presidential candidates in the Senate, to join you in this fight for the very principles that are the foundation of the Constitution and our Nation.
This was picked up by Atrios, who recommended that Dodd ‘put a hold’ on the legislation.
Dodd’s uniquely placed to do something. He isn’t a current frontrunner, but he is respected enough and enough of an insider that he can get on the teevee a bit. He has made these issues a relatively central part of his campaign. And, what do you know, he’s actually in the Senate.
He can put a hold on this, and then take the case to the public. I don’t know why Democrats think they need to stand with Mr. 24%, but it’s time for other Democrats to make them defend why they feel the need to do so.
Next came Jane Hamsher, who amplified the message and provided the contact information.
A few moments ago I got the followning email from Sen. Dodd.
It’s been a busy day, but I wanted take a moment and let you know that I have decided to place a “hold” on legislation in the Senate that includes amnesty for telecommunications companies that enabled the President’s assault on the Constitution by providing personal information on their customers without judicial authorization.
I said that I would do everything I could to stop this bill from passing, and I have.
It’s about delivering results — and as I’ve said before, the FIRST thing I will do after being sworn into office is restore the Constitution.
But we shouldn’t have to wait until then to prevent the further erosion of our country’s most treasured document.
That’s why I am stopping this bill today.
I’ve gotta run, but please visit my campaign website for more details.
There is a reason that more and more bloggers are leaning towards supporting Chris Dodd, and it isn’t just because we all love Tim Tagaris. It’s because he is willing to put action behind his words.
I admit I was considering just sitting out the Michigan primary after Edwards, Obama, et al. dropped out. Even though the primary won’t mean anything, Dodd has earned my vote with his actions today and his leadership over the past few months.
Dodd has been my “personal frontrunner” candidate for a bit. He’s been outspoken about these issues on the campaign trail, but I’ve been wanting to see more leadership from him. This makes me very happy – this is the type of thing that all of the Democratic Senatorial candidates could be doing, but Dodd stepped up to do it.
If he keeps showing his leadership, keeps standing on the right side of issues and hasn’t been knocked out by the time the voting gets around to Ohio, he’ll have my vote.
I called his campaign to ask for the hold… and he did.
No, I’m not claiming credit, just pointing out that of the 150+ calls I’ve made to Salazar and others since 2004 NOT ONE led to anyone doing what I called about. NOT ONE. I’ve had these bastards on speed dial and they’ve done the wrong thing every single time. I’d been so burnt out on capitulations followed by requests for money that I honestly wouldn’t have given a flying fuck about helping any Democrat.
Until now.
I’m Dodd’s. Why? Because he listens to the people.
Good for Dodd.
Dodd, based on this move, is certain to get a much harder look from a lot of Progressives. It Over at Kos, this was one comment amidst all the high-fives that tried to dampen some of the enthusiasm.
While I don’t see a lot of people on the Progressive side stamping him with the “hero” label, it certainly will do a lot toward his appealing to the Democratic base. Was it done mainly to garner attention? Everyone might feel differently but it does appear to me that Dodd has a genuine concern for the serious erosion of the Constitution and our liberties which has occurred during this awful tenure of the neo-con crazies. When the situation is so dire, with rights being taken away on what seems like a daily basis and the continuing sanctioning by our Congress of this administration’s illegal behavior, anyone who stands up for constitutional principles and liberty deserves, at the least, recognition and gratitude. Courage and leadership by our elected representatives is in very short supply right now. So you can call him you want, either a hero or a rank opportunist. And maybe all this really does only amount to a “bipolar freak show”, but any victory for the Constitution is something to be celebrated right now, regardless of what the motivations might be.
i’ve been tub-thumping on the constitutional crisis for many months as i believe it’s the single most serious issue facing our country, and have pledged NOT to support ANY candidate who won’t speak out forcefully on just how serious it really is… so far, dodd has been the only one who’s come even close, and today he took another big step… he’s going to take mountains of shit for doing this, but, i’ll tell ya what, if he can keep his head screwed on straight on this, i’ll follow him right up the mountain… yes, we have serious issues to deal with in this country, but without the goddam constitution, we won’t even HAVE a country… my hat’s off to dodd on this one…
thanks Boo…l needed that. l was seriously aggravated at the news of this, so called, ‘compromise’ [shameless].
Dodd’s going to get a hard look here.
I gave dodd a couple of bucks, and will be volunteering for his campaign in PA.
Yes, i hate the Democrat Party, but Dodd just established himself as a member if the DemocratIC Party. And those people get my support.
I pegged Dodd as the best candidate ideologicially a long time ago, and that was simply because he is an old-school liberal.
But it’s not all roses. Almost all of his money is coming from financial services because he chairs the Banking Committee.
And Edwards and Obama still are far more viable.
to my mind, the FISA bill is worth a couple of days of shoe leather and a few bucks. I’m not signing up to be a field manager or anything.
I’m certainly not saying it’s all roses, but I did a bit of searching and from what i see, Chair of Banking or no, the guy’s record is pretty OK. For example, Dodd opposed the loathsome bankruptcy bill of 2005: another perk if you ask me.
Both the action he took, and the fact that he responded to people’s wishes, are impressive.
there’s nothing wrong with being in charge of banking. I’m glad to have him in charge of banking. Look at Baucus on Finance. We need that like a whole in the head.
i like dodd too because he is an old time liberal. which is exactly what we need over the next 5-10 years to recover from the last 27 years of reaganism and neo-conjobbers. he may not have a chance for the nomination, but he sure has my support on this issue. glad to hear about the hold which hopefully will hold, as i read that reid said he wasn’t going to allow it.
i’ll take edwards, realistically, progressive enough for me on many issues and he’s talking this two america’s idea, which is good.
Wow, that is good news. Just Today I got my DFA vote card. I put JE 1st, Bill R. 2nd (just because), and Dodd #3 because I thought he had character, I guess I was right.
While I can’t be against kids getting health insurance I sensed something far more Machiavellian in those fine print clauses of SCHIP.
I have health insurance, but I don’t have the health insurance I used to have. The new plan and the new company both suck and mAssachusetts now REQUIRES it.
The government is subsidizing Guido’s health insurance company.
This is the model for the nation?
A mandate for something they refuse to regulate.
Kind of like taxation without representation.
Habeus corpus
Maybe even the rollback of the Magna Carta.
Hey, but what the hell I get cable, internet and phone all on one bill. That’s what is supposed to impress me?
Lord, can I get on that Apocalyptic horse now?
Jay Rockerfeller’s wife, is president of the PBS station that produces the NewsHour. If you look at the top of the NewsHour’s website, you will see that AT&T is a sponsor.
Heard about Dodd’s hold on TYT this morning on the way to work. Checked my e-mail and found the one from Dodd. He’s got my support and some $$ when I get home tonight.
Harry Reid needs to be retired as Senate majority leader. I would urge everyone to contact every freaking Democratic organization that wants money from us and tell them Harry Reid is a disgrace.
No Democratic congress critter that puts some fantasy of capitulation to the GrOPing weasels as the means to re-election over good policy deserves our money or votes.
Harry Reid needs to be retired as Senate majority leader. I would urge everyone to contact every freaking Democratic organization that wants money from us and tell them Harry Reid is a disgrace.
beginning with the DSCC,