Back in the summer of 1988 I was sitting on a boathouse deck on Big Moose Lake in the Adirondacks reading the New York Times. There was an article about the potential vice-presidential picks for George Herbert Walker Bush. It had little thumbprint photos of each prospect. One face leaped out: Sen. Dan Quayle (R-IN). Quayle looks much more handsome if he doesn’t move around and reveal how stupid he is. In a still photo, he looks hunky. I turned to my girlfriend said, “This is the guy he’s gonna pick.” I had never heard of Dan Quayle, and I’m not sure Poppy had either. But the picture told me all I needed to know. Now USA Today reports on the validity of my analysis.
Candidates campaign on the issues, but new research shows some people are swayed by looks alone.
Although rendering a snap judgment on a candidate’s competence with just a quick glance may seem a superficial way to judge people, a Princeton University study finds that such reasoning accurately predicted election outcomes in about 70% of gubernatorial and U.S. Senate races last year.
Even the researchers were surprised by the strength of their findings.
Todorov says he had a difficult time believing his own findings were so pronounced. “I was surprised the first time. I replicated it three or four times before I was convinced that’s a real effect,” he says. “I was surprised how strong the effect was.”
People are just not that bright.
You should run for something, Booman. You’d knock ’em dead with your looks. š
yeah, but then they’d surf the internet and discover that I am vituperative.
Oh come on, who knows what that word means anyways? (unless you’ve taken the SATs in recent memory)
i try to be as monosyllabic as possible, but no one is perfect.
And shrill. That’s always a dealbreaker too.
For some of us, though, a pretty face is all we have left after the ravages of sloth and baldness. Oh well.
“a pretty face is all we have left after the ravages of sloth and baldness.”
That about sums up Fred Thompson, minus the pretty face.
Oh Jesus. Now I know what I’ll look like at 75. Or however the hell old that crypt-keeper is.
Thanks a bundle.
And not serious.
When I run for office, I will have Kate Beckinsale as my running mate.
Personally, I’d go for Jessica Alba.
Based on this the Republican VP nominee will be Alaska Governor Sarah Palin (they’re going to need a woman to counter Hillary, if she’s the nominee that is). And Hillary is likely to choose someone like Evan Bayh. Not my type of man. But you get the picture.
my guess is it’ll probably be bayh or wesley clark
I thought that Poppy picked Quayle because Quayle reminded him of his son.
Only smarter and nicer, I guess.
Funny your should say that. I saw some old clips of young W and grudgingly had to admit he seemed kind of good-looking in a fratboy sort of way. And then they showed video of him moving and talking and the stupidity lit up like an aura in a new-age infomercial. Then I read this diary and thought, wow! he picked somebody exactly like his dimmest kid!
I guess that I’d be a shoe-in for elected office.