the craig conference center
adjacent to the RATpublic cloak room
adjacent to the RATpublic cloak room
The worst government is the most moral. One composed of cynics is often very tolerant and humane. But when fanatics are on top there is no limit to oppression. h.l.mencken
BushCo™ just refuses to get it…one can only assume that RATpugs are exempt from the effects…but the UN, would beg to differ:
Oh shoot, dada!
I wrote an entry while you posted the dump, and did’nt check what had come up in the meantime before posting mine.
ha!…gmta, eh.
it’s cool, you linked to the guardian article, l used the bbc..this report on the issue deserves as much exposure as it can get.
Now, this is a change of climate
this one doesn’t need comment, other than to say:
You can only leave a recorded message to that spineless coward. I tried so many times to speak to someone, but it was impossible!
no…not the omnipotent noodly one revered by pastafarians…the reichwing front, family security matters…has released their latest blockbuster hit:
we need to make sure BT’s on this list next year…eh.
Universities and Colleges,
Does this include Regent University?
from the can’t can’t make this shit up department; john ‘pander bear’ mccain:
now, l would not deny mccains well deserved due for getting through his stay in the hanoi hilton relatively intact, but the dude’s lost it.
when chimpy looked into putin’s eyes… “I looked the man in the eye. I was able to get a sense of his soul” …putin, much like the abyss, looked back, and l wonder how he kept from laughing. you can bet dimson isn’t the one laughing now:
l don’t think the msm got this memo…l certainly hop CONdi did.
herr cheney will begoing out in the country to catch a little colour and get in some target practice…be careful you don’t catch a load of shot with your face. dick ‘shooter’ cheney’s out with his guns again.
it’s probably another canned hunt, but just to be safe, all you new york progressives, wear orange and watch out.
with a bit of luck, we may find out just how good a hand 24%er’s * holding…assuming madame speaker doesn’t slap conyers down first:
and maybe mukasey could clarify this statement while he’s pondering his answer to the torture question and contemplating his chances for confirmation:
we shall see.
*bush’s job rating is the lowest for u.s. presidents since nixon received support from only 24 percent of voters in august 1974, the same month Nixon resigned from office amid the Watergate scandal, and carter polled at 22% in july 1980.
LONDON – British troops could remain in Afghanistan for “decades”, the head of the Armed Forces warned yesterday. Even then the conflict will only be resolved by a political deal – after talks with Taliban leaders, said Sir Jock Stirrup.
In an interview, the Chief of Defence Staff said: ‘In terms of bringing Afghanistan into its rightful place in the 21st century, that is an enormous project, that will engage the international community, frankly, for decades.
“There is a common misperception that the issues in Afghanistan, and indeed elsewhere around the world, can be dealt with by military means. That’s a false perception. The military is a key, an essential element in dealing with those problems, but by and large these problems can only be resolved politically.”
Ministers discuss NATO’s operation in Afghanistan
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
always good to hear your news “dump” dada…LMAO..puts new meaning into the word dump ; )
I think sometimes I’ll just follow the words in the music of John Prine, “blow up the tv, throw away the paper, move to the country, build me a home”…just can’t figure out which country that should be ; )
LMAO….peace bro
or im peach, whatever turns yer crank
peace bro
as long as the “im-peach” is followed with “im-prison” ; )