We all know the same crowd that protests abortions often also tends to favor the death penalty, the use of torture (as long as its not used on them) and cutting off health benefits for children who are uninsured. But it seems a subset of the self described “pro-life” movement also believes in taking matters into their own hands, or at least asking others to take matters into their own hands when it comes to stopping abortion by any means necessary:
PHILADELPHIA – A federal judge ordered an anti-abortion activist to remove Web site postings that authorities said exhorted readers to kill an abortion provider by shooting her in the head. […]
. . . The injunction, sought by prosecutors in August, also bans him from publishing similar messages containing names, addresses or photographs of health clinic staff members.
Prosecutors said one posting targeted a former clinician for the Philadelphia Women’s Center, and that she later stopped providing reproductive health services because she feared for her life. […]
One posting, which featured the provider’s name, photo and address, stated that “while it does not sound good to say go shoot her between the eyes, it sounds even worse to say let her alone.”
Tell me again: Why isn’t this considered terrorism? Oh, I forgot. It’s not terrorism because it was done by a member of the Republican Party’s base. Besides it isn’t nearly as important as whether Hillary Clinton stiffed a waitress in Iowa or John Edwards got a haircut. It’s only a call for the murder of someone who’s probably a liberal Democrat after all, and as we all know it’s perfectly acceptable in our society to call for the murder of liberals or pray to God to kill them. Which is why they sell these over the internet:
They are terrorists and we should be pointing that out. Perhaps we should call the department of homeland security on them. More to the point we should call them religious extremist terrorist groups.
making terroristic threats would make you a terrorist, wouldn’t it?
Misogyny rules. Overtly. Covertly. Violence against women — not a hate crime. Not a protected group. Imus – back on the air. Unilever – Dove’s “campaign for really beauty” and its blatantly sexist “Axe” campsign side by side. I’m sure they think women are too stupid to notice.
Violence is okay in the name of god. Or in the name of protecting one’s own delicate hide. If someone breaks into your home, kill the SOB. If a fetus is holding a woman’s life hostage, forget about it.
Today, in the paper I read about a day shelter for homeless teens being evicted from their second location in two years. I don’t want to hear about Christianity and fetuses.
I want a world where we respect and care for each other.
Rant over.
It is terrorism by any definition to attack Family Planning Clinics and the people who work in them or others who provide services to terminate pregnancies for whatever reason.
It was terrorism during the Reagan years when Clinics and Planned Parenthood were under constant attack and St. Ronnie did virtually nothing and it continues today.
When someone like KO receives a letter with white powder the FBI is called in and this is taken very very seriously yet I believe I read that since 9/11 various FPClinics around the country have received at least 400 envelopes of white powder…why is this not on the news night and day? Oh yeah it’s just clinics for women who kill their babies isn’t it..not important. Besides the fact that so many of those clinics don’t even provide for abortions but for family health care for poor women and children who may not be able to afford care anywhere else.
Of course I’m guessing also that this epidemic of white powder sent to clinics goes unreported because it’s doubtful that the people doing this are from you know Iran/Iraq etc but just ordinary homegrown religious terrorists who can continue to terrorize women/children and the people who work in these clinics …I guess we just don’t count do we.