Bravo to Scotty for coming clean, only years after he already knew that Rove, Libby, Cheney AND Bush all lied to him about national security matters – matters of war, life and death. To sell an ill-conceived invasion of a sovereign country that was by no means connected to 9/11 or an imminent threat to anything other than its own crumbling and inevitable decline.
Don’t you think that this little bit of information would have been more important to divulge when you first knew about it, instead of admitting it in a book that you are profiting off of? What would a patriot who is more interested in serving his or her country think of withholding this information? Don’t you think that Mr. Fitzgerald would have benefited from that information? Wouldn’t the grand jury be interested to know that Rove is involved in passing false information to the White House’s chief spokesperson with the intent to deceive the press corps, Americans and the rest of the world?
Just like Colin Powell was a day late and a dollar short with his role in not exposing the bogus claims that Team Cheney fed him at around the same time, Scotty’s “noble” announcement doesn’t remotely come close to exonerating himself for his role (knowingly or unknowingly) in this cover up. However, it does lead to another example of a former White House official pointing a finger at either Cheney, Bush or someone high level regarding bordering on illegal, if not outright illegal acts.
Regardless of whether the “false information” was about Plame or about yellowcake or about aluminum tubes or whatever else, wasn’t Fitzgerald given wide latitude in pursuing this case to begin with? He did indicate that he had “sand kicked in his face” and was unable to continue because of the perjury and obstruction of justice. At a minimum, Rove needs to explain himself and McClellan should immediately be called to testify about his statements.
If Kenny-boy Starr could waste as much time, effort and money as he did over the nonsense he ended up dredging up, then surely a reopening of the case in order to see just how a sitting President, his Vice President and their two top aides willingly passed along false information to its Press Secretary in order for the knowingly false information to be disseminated to and intentionally deceive the world.
I’ll put it simpler – The former White House press secretary was tricked into lying the country into an illegal invasion.
How, please tell me, how is that not worth investigating further? The Democratic controlled Congress and ESPECIALLY its leadership have a duty to call for and ensure investigations into these revelations and why they were not divulged for such a long period of time. What did the President know and when did he know it? What false information did he and Cheney pass along?
Lying for reasons of “national security secrets” should not protect those who are lying. Willfully deceiving the country into supporting a war that was based on half-truths (at best) is quite possibly the worst thing that anyone can do. When thousands of lives are lost and countless more are forever scarred physically, emotionally and mentally because of these lies, there cannot be anything short of accountability to those who are responsible.
If Democratic leadership (including Presidential candidates) don’t want to have Congress investigate this, then bring back Patrick Fitzgerald.
He has a job to finish.
also in orange
He played his part in this dumbshow already.
This goes nowhere.
Just another “final nail” in the coffin of the undead.
If something was going to be done about BushCo & Company…besides of course (s)electing a new CEO and changing the name of the controlling interests…it would have been done long ago.
It’s not as if there hasn’t been sufficient conclusive evidence.
I mean…really.
Wake the fuck up.
Nothing changes until the Dems take over in 2009.
And then…nothing really changes.
Cosmetics is all.
Same economic imperialism, different names, different tactics.
Same strategy.
Well, I suppose this is vindication for all of us who watched McClellan speaking over the years and had that feeling: “This guy is lying to me, through his teeth.” Does his admission make me feel better? No. And I’ll tell you why.
It was blatantly obvious he was lying at the time. It is blatantly obvious that this administration lies constantly. The only time they will tell the truth is when it helps them somehow. This is really not disputable at this point.
I could proceed to the usual indictment of the Administration. I won’t. I could take the all-too-common route of lambasting the “Democratic” Congress for their ineffectual whining. I won’t. I’ll ask you all a question instead:
Why should the Administration stop lying?
They have achieved more in two terms than any of us would have imagined possible in 1999. They have achieved many of their long held goals. None of them have suffered any serious legal consequences for their actions. They have made and used scapegoats with great skill. And they have not been held accountable.
Why is this? The responsibility lies with those in power: the American people.
We (those of us with our heads above sand level) are stuck with the American people. Those of us who would hold the Administration legally accountable, those of us who would change course in a serious manner, those of us who are strong enough to recognize what is going on, those of us who have stopped deluding ourselves, are stuck.
The vast majority of the American people live in a colorful fantasy world that has been meticulously crafted over thousands of years, long before the Founding of this country. As scientific studies have shown, people will actively reject information that conflicts with their conditioning and most central beliefs. The truth is too horrible for most people to accept, so they simply refuse to accept it. They ignore the preponderance of evidence which sits squarely before them.
As long as this culture of self-repression and obedience persists, America will continue its intoxicated stroll through the labrynthian Fascist Funhouse it has become. I’ll leave you all with the following thought:
A long, long time ago, someone realized that people generally believe what they are told. The rest, friends, is History.
Yes, those are our people, that’s the way they are, we the people, depressing as it may be:
‘the truth is too horrible for most people to accept’.
sadly I concur that this isnt going to amount to much. Beating a dead horse that still commands our armed forces.
insurging is still possible I hope
Valerie’s statement: