There will be a peace summit at Annapolis after all. The date has been set: November 27, 2007.

Talks and preparation towards the summit have brought forth birds of ill-omen from both sides. Yet, because the stakes have never been higher, a few voices are hopeful.  “[P]eace is within reach,” says veteran peace activist Gershon Baskin.

Here’s a run-down of sorts of some developments surrounding this event.

Making the inevitable happen [Via The Magnes Zionist]

What’s brewing in the US? From Prospects for Peace: Annapolis and Beyond: What (Not) to Expect and the follow-up.

What’s brewing in Israel? A spoiler is working hard, it seems, to sabotage the whole process (see here and here).

In Palestine, Khalid Amayreh is prepared for disillusionment. Yet, there’s a sense in his column that he is not utterly convinced that it will not work this time around.

We shall know soon enough.

[Other details at Wikipedia … and on the conference itself here]

Related material:
A Canadian view.
Debate erupts among Jewish groups over Annapolis [Via Open Left]
Likudnik hawks work to undermine Annapolis

Update: See also Annapolis: Saudi and Palestinian dimensions from Helena Cobban of ‘Just World News”.