Welcome back.

This week we will be starting a new cycle.  We’ll be staying in Arizona but will head south toward the Sonoran desert area.  Our subject is seen in the photo directly below.

This will mark the first time that I’ve ever attempted to paint the large iconic Saguaro cactus.  Wish me luck.  Once again, I’ll be using acrylics.  This piece will be painted on an 8 x 10 canvas.

As usual, I’ll start this project by placing the main elements on the canvas.  This is always my greatest concern because it will set the path for everything that follows.

I’ve done the initial brushstrokes in blue because it seemed appropriate and, well, it was handy.  The current state of the painting is seen in the photo directly below.

Next week I’ll start to fill things in.  See you then.

As usual, feel free to post photos of your own work in the comments section below.