This was just too delicious not to share.
Last night the Republicans held the CNN/Youtube debate in Tampa Florida. CNN invited 24 undecided Republicans to the debate to see their reactions and whether the debate would cause them to make a decision about who to vote for in the January 29th primary.
At the end of the debate the undecideds were asked whether they had made a choice. None had really made a choice among those they saw on the stage but one woman did make a definite statement of who she would vote for.
I was astounded. She chose John Edwards. Edwards has had little media exposure, especially in Florida which is seen to be Clinton country.
Here is a partial transcript:
Sharon, you said you may have decided but probably not a choice that people expect. Who was that maybe? Do you have your…
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I have my mike. I’m sorry.
Well, I think if the Democrats have John Edwards, I’d vote for John Edwards.
HILL: So you would consider — because nothing you heard tonight convinced you that any of these eight men are the right choice for you?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There’s maybe three that could possibly be the right choice. But I’m really going to have to look a little closer at the three that — I had thought about — I had thought about Giuliani. I’d thought about Mitt Romney. Also Fred Thompson. I don’t care for his TV shows, but you know, I thought maybe him being an actor, that was just a facade, and it’s not.
HILL: OK. So none of them really worked out for you tonight. So it will be interesting so see what you actually do on January 29.
A little later they went back to the group. Still no one had decided on a Republican. Sharon spoke up a little more about what she liked about Edwards.
Undecided Voter: “I wouldn’t vote for Fred Thompson now I didn’t like him on TV so I don’t like him in politics either I could not find anybody on there, I just really, maybe Hunter, Congressman Hunter, he’s the closest…”
Moderator: Earlier in the break you had said you would maybe lean toward John Edwards, though, and he’s not a Republican.
Undecided Voter:…yes, but at least he has opinions these guys keep saying the same things over and over again.
Moderator: So he’s the strongest one for you even though he’s a Democrat?
Undecided Voter: Yes.
As grannyhelen in her diary on Dailykos said
What does a candidate who takes strong positions, tells folks he won’t back down and whose campaign is fueled by a progressive populist agenda get?
These video clips made me smile all through the night and this morning. I really believe with John Edwards at the top of the Democratic ticket we would have a landslide win.
That was the best part of the debate last night.
Eddy baby!
I have contacted the Edwards campaign group and will signs delivered to me, and beleive me, with three lots here in town, I’m going to decorate HEAVILY….
We need a change in this country, and it can’t come soon enough, while we still have something to work with.
The other’s are all actors in the coporate game, it’s time to get a real grass roots person in the commander’s venue.
It’s the only chance we have.
SPREAD THE WORD…..Loud, and wide…