Progress Pond

Iran Suspended Nukes in 2003

The new National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) says that Iran halted their nuclear weapons program in 2003 and has not resumed it. The NIE represents the consensus of the 16 intelligence agencies of the United States government. Of course, these same agencies were bullied and duped into presenting the 2002 NIE that justified the invasion of Iraq. So…they’re not flawless, and they could be wrong here, too.

This NIE will kill any effort by the Bush administration to lead us into war with Iran based on a nuclear threat. They are left with a ‘Gulf of Tonkin’ type of event. Joe Biden has thrown the word ‘impeachment’ around for the administration in the event that they attack Iran without congressional approval, and Sen. Jim Webb said much the same thing yesterday on Meet the Press.

All of this, of course, is making Joe Lieberman cry. But he’ll recover. Remember that war in Iraq? Yeah. If we hadn’t invaded Iraq and scared the crap out of everyone, Libya never would have turned over their non-existent WMD’s and Iran never would have suspended their pathetic little nuclear weapons program. So it was all worth it!!! Get it?

America wins again.

In other news, Dick Cheney is cursing those meddling kids (at the CIA, etc.) that have foiled him again. Wasn’t it enough when they got his go-fer convicted to prison?

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