What do you think the real story is behind this guy?
I think I could write a pretty good screenplay based on that one.
Got any other mysteries for us to solve?
What do you think the real story is behind this guy?
I think I could write a pretty good screenplay based on that one.
Got any other mysteries for us to solve?
Oh, please. Not another one of these!
This is a case or a variant of multiple personality disorder, so-called, since this subject obviously had to be someone else during this five year period. If he knew who he were, then he would just have returned home. I said multiple personality disorder instead of the fabricated disorder, dissociative identity disorder of the DSM-IV kind, only because there isn’t the slightest bit of scientific evidence that something like “dissociation” actually exists. For that matter the common and highly believed psychological concept of “repression” is also without any scientific backing whatsoever.
The crux here is understanding the pathology of a common human trait called pretension, i.e., bad acting. Why are human beings such fucking liars? So why do we believe shit like this?
In any case, speaking of lying, we’re back to politics. Let’s get on with it.
yeah, but where was the dude?
He’ll say when he is ready. In these kinds of stories, you never have all of the facts. So where was he? And does it matter? I recall an alleged multiple who kept two wives and families going, by switching between them. When one wife was pregnant, he went back to the other, if I recall. So where was he when he was not with his wife? Which wife, you ask? Does it matter?
PS: When everyone finally caught up with him including the police, he feigned loss of memory, i.e., multiple personality. He had used two different names in the different cities involved, therefore, he was just a sick person, and psychiatrists were there waiting to defend the bastard. They believed every word he said.
Answer to your question is another question: where was he when he was not with one of his wives? With one of his wives, of course.
Sure, I’ve got a mystery for ya.
Why is this pointless stuff on the blog?
To make John Brown cry.
just why?
it’s a total mystery to me. the whole enchilada, why?
no one’s ever been able to answer that satisfactorily.
Your not alone:
“My life has a superb cast but I can’t figure out the plot.” (Ashleigh Brilliant)
I’ve been looking forward to my own inevitable fugue state for some time now. Sadly, when it hits I won’t have a fucking clue that I’ve finally achieved my goal. A little sad really.
Don’t worry. Go see a psychiatrist and get it labeled. Once that’s achieved, you will be able to make a life out of it.
A fuguist beats being a CEO these days. They are due for a big rap and a probable reduction of salary. And where I come from, 50 million a year is a hell of lot less than 100 million a year.
I’ve got a mystery for you. Are Darth Vader and Dick Cheney really the same person? They’ve never been seen together, as far as I know.
the real Jason Bourne…
Hey Boo if it makes you feel any better, you’re not the only one who is curious about this 😛
Just to have fun with this one…
That area is supposed to be on the end run of the submarine channel, where more oftentime than naught, the fishermen of the area get their nets entangled with the submarines and are dragged under never to return to their homes. So, why not a kind hearted submarine captain on a super double secret mission who sees the flailing kayaker, surfaces, takes him aboard and then cannot let him go until his super secret mission is complete. Years later they’ve delivered the pretzels to Bush and can head back to sleuthing the waters of the North Atlantic.
Happy Wednesday!
Okay for all of you twits who took the opportunity to delve again into Freudian religion about the “unconscious” mind, here is the real story.
Published by some British newspaper, the Darwins, husband and wife, apparently, and foolishly, had their picture taken in Panama one year ago. Hence, the one with no memory is now under arrest for fraud. Apparently he and his wife cooked up some scheme to fleese someone or some company out of some money.
Told you so. Case closed. And goodbye. You too Booman.
well, that totally ruins my screenplay.
You have little appreciation for the American psyche. Americans will believe anything, even in the face of evidence to the contrary.
Proceed my friend. You will be famous. If not famous, at least you will be able to get the hell out from under the bridge where you live. Everything is not politics. Lies apparently take one a lot further.
surprise surprise..NOt. This was my first thought on reading this story. 99% of the time a story like this ends up with some greedy money scheme behind the whole deal. I’m not saying it couldn’t happen as the brain still is pretty mysterious to science in so many aspects but this amnesia story is sooooo predictable.
Have you ever listen to the song Jeremy by ???(Mystery number one).
Do you know the lyrics and more importantly, do you know what they are referring to?? (Mystery number two).
I have been listening to this haunting song again for a few weeks now, and I decided to look into what ???? was saying.
This is indeed a very haunting song both in sound and likely meaning. Very haunting!
Answer key:
For possible meaning:
Read the following link http://www.sshep.com/jeremynew.htm
For Lyrics: