After the tremendous success NAFTA, and other free trade policies which were pursued during both the Clinton and Bush eras, have had in destroying good middle class jobs in America, increasing the US trade deficit with Canada and Mexico, helping to fuel increased immigration from Mexico (since it destroyed jobs there as well), and increasing the risk of unsafe consumer products being introduced into the US, one would think that the Democrats who control the House and Senate would be a little less enthusiastic for such “free trade” agreements (but not “fair trade” agreements) so beloved by multinational corporations and Republicans.
One might think that, but only if one were delusional. As this report on the Senate vote for a new trade agreement with Peru sadly demonstrates, many Democrats in Congress have been only too happy to advance the Bush administration’s free trade agenda:
The Senate gave decisive backing yesterday to a U.S.-Peru free-trade agreement, opening the way for expanded economic ties with the Andean nation and giving the administration a boost in its quest to shore up relations with Latin America. […]
President Bush said after the vote that he looked forward to signing the bill that would “level the playing field for American exporters and investors” and would signal “our firm support for those who share our values of freedom and democracy.”
At an earlier news conference, Bush also urged Congress to act on another pending trade deal — with Colombia — saying that was a way to “make a difference in South America in terms of Venezuelan influence.” […]
Opponents also looked to the bigger picture, blaming past trade pacts, particularly with China and Mexico, for rising trade deficits and the loss of U.S. manufacturing jobs. “One of the major reasons that the middle class in the United States is shrinking, poverty is increasing and the gap between the rich and the poor is growing wider is in fact due to our disastrous, unfettered, trade policy,” Sen. Bernard Sanders (I-Vt.) said.
Yes, the Peru free trade agreement calls for more environmental and labor protection in Peru, but I am skeptical that any US administration will follow through in enforcing those rules. These are the same two political parties, after all, that granted most favored nation status to China despite its record of human right abuses, environmental degradation and lack of protections for labor and occupational safety. Put me firmly in the camp of “anything that Bush is for I am against.” I believe that Senator Bernie Sanders is right when he says that our current aggregation of free trade agreements and policies have been detrimental to the economic prosperity of most Americans, and have been one of the leading factors in the increase in income inequality between the rich and everyone else in America.
Besides, why should we trust the Bush administration (or any future Democratic administration led by a DLC approved President such as Senator Clinton) to enforce the rather nebulous commitments to “fundamental labor rights … and fulfilling obligations under multilateral environmental agreements.” I certainly see no reason to trust President Bush, the man who threatened to veto legislation to assist workers whose jobs have been sacrificed to the god of globalization. And I certainly don’t trust any candidate now running for President whose past record shows a propensity for supporting multinational companies in their quest for ever expanding free trade zones.
In this respect, John Edwards is correct when he says our political process is fundamentally flawed because it has been corrupted by the influence of corporate interests. Until we fix that system which relies on copious quantities of money from corporations and wealthy donors to obtain and retain a seat in Congress, or finance a run for President, we will continue to see the rights of ordinary Americans gutted, consumer safety ignored, the environment fouled and the wealthy increase their share of the economic pie at the expense of everyone else.
senate passes peru trade bill by a vote of 77 – 18.
ms. clinton and the other senators seeking the presidential nomination were all of the same mind,
Not Voting – 5:
Biden (D-DE)
Clinton (D-NY)
Dodd (D-CT)
McCain (R-AZ)
Obama (D-IL)
senate roll call
this also from the the nation:
indeed they do.
Obama & Clinton didn’t even pretend to take up for the working people. I guess they don’t want to upset their big money bosses.
18 votes against the corporationists. How pathetic.
Know the good guys and gals.
notice that 6 out of 7 new Senators voted labor’s way.
So Casey voted no..well how bout that. Does that fall under the category of ‘a stopped clock is right twice a day’?
I’m really getting sick and gdamn tired of these asswipes who want to be President but can’t even bother to do the job they were elected to do…the most important thing they can do is vote…hey if they don’t vote maybe I won’t vote in this next election either.
If they were working in the real world they’d all have been fired long ago for not showing up for work. Isn’t the best indication of how someone will do in a new job is how hard they work at the job they have? Hey what was that Hillary said again about young people being lazy and not wanting to work..well….
As for the Peru trade deal, well that was no big secret that that was going to pass after finding out several months ago that the dem leaders were meeting secretly apparently with Bush to work out the details.
How many times can the public get sold out before there is nothing left?
And I do love BBoxer-except for a few misses here and there over the years she has been a consistent voice for the people, real people. She keeps plugging away doing the right thing.
Jim Webb voted yes. He ran on fair trade, economic fairness.
I swear to God, these people you cannot listen to a word they say.
Fortunately Tester, McCaskill are sticking to what they said in their campaign positions and promises.
Damn what the people think, damn the middle class, lord knows representative Citigroup is so important, wanting to make sure Peru doesn’t change it’s horrific privatized social security system, oh and lest we not forget, we simply do not have enough slave labor workers!