I gotta say, I am really too chilled out to even write. I had four days off from work for Christmas and now i’m on another four days off for New Year’s. Nothing like a Tuesday holiday!
We tapped the brown ale yesterday (I told you it was a pretty quick brew). It’s sweet and nutty, thanks to the Victory malt. I brought a growler to a pickin’ party, where it went over really well. The alcohol level’s fairly low, and it’s an excellent session beer.
Pretty quiet in comments last week, so this week’s porter is going to be really basic, and heavy on the malt. I published that recipe last week.
Whaddya got in the fermenter?
20 gal of wine in the basement. 15 are a mix of vignoles and traminette, and 5 are mostly chardonel.
Sorry to say that I have never tried to brew my own.
I was getting something at Bed, Bath & Beyond this afternoon and towards the check-out I noticed 2-3 ‘brewing kits’ on a display. Didn’t notice who made them, but it made me think of your diaries.
What do you consider a good starter kit?
well, the hardware of any starter kit’s gonna be the same: a 5-gallon nbucket with a lid, an airlock of some sort, tubes for siphoning beer, and probably bottlecaps and a capper. it’s hard to mes up the hardware.
the catch is getting good ingredients. liquid yeast, like wyeast is typically preferable to dried yeast.
for a beginner, malt extracts are a LOT easier than all-grain: try to get unhopped extracts. add ing your own hops uually gives better flavor.
always sanitize!!
too chilled out to write?
A meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff?
dude, i have at least a pro-forma session every day. i’m having one right now actually. %)
and yet there’s none of that Tommy Chong serenity to be found.
Serenity NOW!!!!!!!!!
we ended up adding 3 ounces of unsweeteened baker’s chcocolate to the wort at 60 minutes. i think it’s going to be a very dry porter.