Something supernatural was going on this day. He seemed to know that he didn’t have long to live.
And look at how he almost collapses at the end. This episode in history has always reminded me of the arrest of Jesus, who knew his fate but did not resist it. From Matthew:
47While he was still speaking, Judas, one of the Twelve, arrived. With him was a large crowd armed with swords and clubs, sent from the chief priests and the elders of the people. 48Now the betrayer had arranged a signal with them: “The one I kiss is the man; arrest him.” 49Going at once to Jesus, Judas said, “Greetings, Rabbi!” and kissed him.
50Jesus replied, “Friend, do what you came for.”[d]
Then the men stepped forward, seized Jesus and arrested him. 51With that, one of Jesus’ companions reached for his sword, drew it out and struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his ear.
52″Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword. 53Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels? 54But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen in this way?”
55At that time Jesus said to the crowd, “Am I leading a rebellion, that you have come out with swords and clubs to capture me? Every day I sat in the temple courts teaching, and you did not arrest me. 56But this has all taken place that the writings of the prophets might be fulfilled.” Then all the disciples deserted him and fled.
Please find some way to honor this man during this week. MLK Day should not be a day off but a day on.
Update [2008-1-18 14:17:51 by BooMan]: You can find a way to honor King at the Day of Service site.
Can’t see the video from here, but I’ll bet I know what it is.
I may not get there with you, but I have seen the Promised Land.
I’ve always thought he knew what was coming. He may not have known when or who or how, but he knew he didn’t have a lot of time left. Such courage is the rarest commodity in this world.
Rarely, if ever, has a transcript done less justice to a speech, but here it is.
I can’t see the video at work either but you’re probably right about what it is.
I’ve got to say that every time I listen to this or watch it, I can’t help but have a wave of emotion come over me. The strength and courage that emanates from his words are some of the most inspirational that have ever been uttered. Anytime I hear anything said in an attempt to disparage his legacy, the words he uttered here come to my mind.
I just realized the other evening, when I was poking around You Tube, that I had never watched, in its entirety, Kings speech at the National Mall in Washington in August 1963. There’s probably not anyone living in the country that has not seen the most famous sound bites from this speech. But how many of us have actually listened to it all?
If you haven’t, please do it. The video can be found here.
Don’t just watch it passively. Really listen to what he is saying. Think about everything that came after this speech. With this country again embroiled in a discussion about race I think it is important that we look to history for some lessons.
It is truly inspirational.
I’m not sure if I’ve actually seen the whole thing. I know I’ve seen more than sound bites. That has to be one of the greatest speeches of the 20th century. If you can watch the whole thing and not be moved, you have a heart of stone.
I have to say I couldn’t help but have tears while watching and listening to it. If his words don’t pierce your soul, I have to question ones humanity.
Tell me what’s happening…I can’t ever read or hear about that part of the Bible without thinking of Jesus Christ Superstar.
Yeah, MLKs speeches laid the groundwork for his death. That’s not good phrasing…He prepped the people. He was telling them, “I’m not going to be here much longer and you gotta move on.” In school, we had watched all the speeches he gave his last year, ending (of course) with this one. In my grandmother’s bible for that year, she had written out this speech and next to the part where this video starts, she wrote (Is he dying? Assassination?). She said, everyone expected it and in hindsight it was like he had prepped them for it.
Watching that speech has always been one of the saddest things, but there is something metaphysical about it. Martyrdom follows a certain script, in Jesus’ case self-consciously so.
The same with Socrates, who had the opportunity to accept exile, or escape, and refused.
King’s speech fits so perfectly into this genre that it almost defies reason.
We are blessed to have grown up witnessing such a man of courage in the world. Now it’s our turn to show the same example to our young people.
Thank you Booman for posting this reminder. Just reading the transcript is almost overwhelming. Honestly I had forgotten MLK Day is next week. I just came back from giving my daughter a ride to the African American Art and Culture Complex in my town where there is a day-long “youth speaks” event. So she is paying attention, and I’ll have to find a way to follow suit.
Where is a leader now with the fire and eloquence and authority of King? Maybe among the youth.
How long was it after this speech that he was killed? Anyone know what day this speech was given?
He gave the speech on April 3rd and was killed on April 4th.
Wow. He really did know what was coming. I’ve never seen this speech before. It is startling.
Mr. Booman, please add this this link in an update. It goes to the Martin Luther King Day of Service site, where volunteers can sign up for activities.
I’ll be spending the early part of the day (8:45 AM) in Germantown picking up exercise equipment for babies living in a homeless shelter run by my employer, and then spending the rest of the day at said shelter painting, cleaning, and doing whatever is necessary.
I highly recommned the Day of Service to all your readers: last year i helped run a food cupboard in a church located in a low-income neighborhood. It’s a very fulfilling feeling. As MLK said “everybody can be great, because everybody can serve.”
We need more Dr. Kings today.
I’ve seen and read this speech a million times, but I still get chills…Lord, I get chills.
But to piggy back on Brendan’s sentiments, definitely go out and make Monday a day of service. So many folks need your help!
I’m helping to prepare 500 bag lunches for our homeless brothers and sisters.
So much has changed since then; so much is still the same…
I’m afraid that The Drum Major Instinct is still alive and well today, unfortunately.