I hear it all the time. “Well, I like Obama, but I don’t really know where he stands on the issues. All he ever talks about is change.”
Guess what? If you’re one of the people that say this, you have nobody to blame your ignorance on but yourself.
By my count, Obama has written two books, one of which, The Audacity of Hope is basically a statement of policies. Nothing is stopping you, my dear ignorant friend, from driving to the library and checking it out right now. With Super Tuesday coming up, there has never been a better time.
If you’re an environmentalist and don’t feel like burning the gas to get to the library, you could also always just check out Obama’s website. The Issues section may come in especially handy to you. There, you can download a PDF called Obama’s Plan for America, or check out any one of the twenty available web pages detailing Obama’s stances on specific issues. On each of those pages, you will find at least one other PDF that goes into extensive detail on the issue, as well as clearly laying out Obama’s stance. In many cases, even manuscripts of speeches Obama has given on said issues are available.
There is no excuse any more. Obama’s not running an issues campaign, you’re right, and I’ll talk about that later, but either way it makes no difference. You are online right now. If issues are what matter to you, Obama’s stances are out there in the open for your reading. All you have to do is click on one of the links I just gave you.
WSJ on its website has Volcker, former chairman of Federal Reserve, has endorsed Obama. A first time.
And, in January Obama raised an astonishing $32 million
“Volcker: I Endorse Obama”
The right-wing loves both Obama and Clinton.
There may never again be a Democratic candidate for president that I can support. Or stomach. All of the leaders of the Democrats are far too right-wing for me to stomach. Both Obama and Clinton are Jim Crow pandering drug warriors who are happy locking up and disenfranchising minorities and the poor under the guise of the war on drugs. In reality they are dis-empowering the Democratic Party’s traditional constituencies. This is why both of them campaign more to the rural white communities of America.
I do not vote for drug warriors. I will vote third party or Independent, AGAIN, rather than vote for any Jim Crow drug warrior.
aahpat, when and where did you land?
are you tongue in cheek or what… What’s your definition, what’s the measure? You’re sadly misinformed.
Volcker is a Democratic. As for Obama being right-wing, Shock, Shock, he’s been voted by the National Journal as the most liberal senator in America
My measure for the past dozen years, for all candidates, is their support of the crime fostering, terrorist funding, Jim Crow drug war. Obama is a supporter of the war on drugs and so I oppose him. The war on drugs is subverting our democracy, causing crime and funding most of the large stateless terrorist armies around the world.
The National Journal does not dictate my values.
I believe in social justice, human rights and civil liberties. Values inimical to the war on drugs. I believe in democracy. The war on drugs is destroying American democracy.
I know exactly what I am talking about and your feeble effort at casting aspersions as a debate tactic is pathetic and weak minded.
there you go, the stage is all yours.