At 8pm CNN will air the first one-on-one debate between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Clinton will probably have to answer questions about the Kennedy endorsements, her time on the board of Wal*Mart, and her husbands involvement in a uranium mining deal in Kazakhstan. I wonder what the Big Dog thought of Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan?
I’m not sure what they’ll hit Obama with. The Rezko thing is pretty dead now that the Chicago Tribune, which has led the way on that investigation, said the following while endorsing Barack:
Last week, Hillary Clinton attacked Obama for his association with alleged influence-peddler Tony Rezko. If Obama had dealt with the Rezko issue forthrightly long ago, it might rank in public memory with Clinton’s remarkable success in cattle futures.
Instead, as we’ve said, Obama has been too self-exculpatory. His assertion in network TV interviews last week that nobody had indications Rezko was engaging in wrongdoing strains credulity: Tribune stories linked Rezko to questionable fundraising for Gov. Rod Blagojevich in 2004 — more than a year before the adjacent home and property purchases by the Obamas and the Rezkos.
One more time, Senator:
You need to divulge all there is to know about that relationship. Until you do, the journalistic scrubbing and opposition research will intensify. You should have recognized Rezko as a political seducer of young talent. But given that you’ve not been accused of any crime or ethical breach, your Rezko history is not a deal-breaker.
Nor do we know of similar lapses during the 12 years we’ve been watching Obama.
To the contrary, the professional judgment and personal decency with which he has managed himself and his ambition distinguish Barack Obama. We endorse him convinced that he could lead America in directions that the other Democrats could not.
What do you expect to see?
But here’s something to smile about.
I’m thinking that there will a few questions about Edwards. I would not be surprised if Wolf Blather asked, “Do you think John Edwards should endorse you and why?”
omg – the perfect dumb question of the night.
So … I tuned in and … no red carpet?
Hillary should have worn something brighter. This called for it. Obama didn’t have much choice but she did.
read at TPM – Sen. Durbin, co-chair of Obama’s bid being quoted this Democratic Convention could be the first brokered convention since 1956.
Hillary will come out swinging. Her national numbers are dipping and the narrative the past few days with the endorsements don’t help. She will go on the attack, and try to put Obama on the defensive. This is actually a low risk, high reward strategy for her.
If I were Obama, in response, I would talk about the importance of ideas over old political tricks, and call her desperate.
and i think Edwards absence also facilitates her strategy
debate format leaves Obama flat.
I’m gonna have to watch the re-run of Olberman at 12E/9P because he’s doing a Special Comment on FISA – at the same time as the debate! But right after the debate (10E/7P,) he’s doing a 1-hour special about the debate, even though it was on another network. I’ll have to remember to switch channels.
Anyway, I expect Obama to pick on Bill’s involvement in the Billary campaign somehow and Hillary will have to prove she’s relevant in her own campaign. That should be entertaining.
I think Hillary will try to hit back for Obama’s accusation in a mailer that she strongly supported NAFTA as part of the administration that enacted it. (She didn’t love it at the time, but it’s part of what she counts as “experience” so it’s “fair game” by her own standards.)
I expect to see much more intelligent discourse than what we witnessed at last night’s Republican debate.
You always go for the risky bet, don’t you? 😉
I was really hoping someone would respond with ‘Duh!’.
That was too predictable. duh
Because it’s a one-on-one debate, I hope Wolfie gives them some time to themselves to question each other and just keeps out of it. But he just loves to hear himself speak, so maybe not.
i think wolf will, actually
Rezko did manage to spred his tips. RAWSTORY has an AP item that Hillary’s co-chair got a small tip
California crowd is who I’m betting on. Their energy is right at the top and now that it’s down to just the 2, there’s gonna be some tilting of swords.
Oh good — the camera swept down from above just like the Oscars. 🙂
It’s been a good day for Obama.
Now, I betcha if Hillary’s fund-raising numbers in January were anywhere close to Obama, she’d have been doing “a me too, looky here”
imho, she’s low on funds and is being selective on where they deploy. That $32 million will keep Obama going beyond Feb. 5.
As I mentioned upthread, Sen Durbin said it could end up being a brokered convention
I am waiting with bated breath for BooMan’s in depth analysis of Hillary’s pantsuit.
I love it. But the necklace and earrings are goddamn hideous.
I think the turquoise/brown accents are great – very southwest of her. Trust me on that one.
she looks great in the jacket, but the accessories make her look like she is in an aquarium.
over at the orange palace
a Latino coup: Obama’s Piolín boost
The jewelry “dressy” level doesn’t seem to match the “dressy” level of the suit.
They don’t seem to go together.
She looks like my blog.
Mine too 😉
We’re like blog cousins. I see Tio Tony’s background in your blog.
Which one will say “I want to thank the Acadamy” first?
“These are the photographers. They will take pictures. “
Tonight on Presidential Jeopardy!
Hillary: I’ll take political contributions for $100.
more like $131.5 million
Oh my! They have to sit in chairs right next to each other… not even across a table from each other.
they are awfully close…
Just looking at the photos, I see a lot of well known Clinton supporters, but the Obama rally outside the theater today was supposedly awesome.
She’s feisty.
Wolf: There are no rules.
Hillary: (wicked laugh.)
Barack opens with a pitch to the Edwards supporters.
I was friends with Hillary before this race. I’ll be friends with Hillary after this race.
No promises for the between time.
I caught that too. Funny.
Obana stakes out the high ground immediately.
Building the bridge back to the 20th century…
This is a very diplomatic opening:
Kudos to Edwards
Kudos to the other candidates
Kudos to Clinton
And a laundry list of issues.
Very good opening for Obama
She’s glaring at him, this is gonna interesting to see how they react to one another sitting so close. Last night there were sparks flying between Willard and St. McCain
All the Republicans hate Mittens. It’s palpable.
It may be the only thing I have in common with them.
She actually admitted that Obama could win. She’s never done that before.
Ready on day 1. She’s gonna run the whole government all by herself because she’s a “hands-on manager!”
Hillary has her “soft, confidential” voice going. Leaning forward. Not inclusive like he was.
Wow, does she look smug. What’s up with that?
1. Hillary beliefs passionately that every last American should give their last dollar to the HMO’s.
Appeals to Edwards voters by saying her plan is like his.
2. I won’t talk to dictators.
Most important policy difference
Hillary: healthcare – we must have universal healthcare; mortgage crisis – wants a moratorium of 90 days, freeze interest rates for 5 years. foreign affairs – be realistic (but then puts in shades of the fear stuff there). then goes after GOP saying they are more of the same
Probably because I’ve heard that list so often I found it hard to not phase out on her.
whenever Barack speaks, it looks like Hillary is gripping her hands so hard that the fingers are losing circulation.
Please, o please, let this be substantive.
Watching it on TV with a windoe on my PC open to the live dial group feed online. Like 30 seconds or so delay between them. Hard to follow, but I’m watching for peaks.
Barack wants to make sure we can all afford to put health care on our families.
It’s good that Obama went second on this because Hillary only talked about herself – he gets to talk about policy differences. He gets to say (or imply) that his policy is better.
Gotta give Hillary props on the “we’re not more of the same.”
did Hillary just eat a pickle?
It’s hard when your lips are supposed to smile but your eyes won’t cooperate.
Looks to me like she wants one. She’s looking at Obama like a cheerleader looking at the hot QB she just bagged for prom.
heh, they are both talking alot about their similarities with Edwards – it’s clear that they are both after those voters.
really excellent answer from Obama…it all resonated with me, and I hate the health care plans anyway.
These plans are so bad that they are almost not worth trying. If they succeed, we’ll never ever get single payer.
single payer just got applause from the crowd. Clinton: “very difficult to achieve for many reasons”
which reasons? that’s a good followup
which reasons?
Mainly the existence of Republicans. Secondly, the fear of Republicans. Thirdly, actual dependence on PAC money from HMO’s and big pharma.
The way to get single-payer is to allow anyone to buy into Medicare and force private to compete w/ Medicare. They can’t compete with the most efficient healthcare system in the world – Medicare. Private insurance will gradually go a way.
Truthfully I think that nobody tunes in too much on the details. They just want to know that each has a plan.
How come the Republicans don’t get grilled on the details of their plans? Because they don’t have any.
The Republican’s plan is less jobs, more wars.
You have to give Hillary credit for learning from her 90’s health care debacle. Make sure everyone knows that if you like your plan you can stay with it.
I hate hearing people talking about healthcare. That may make me a bad Democrat, but it’s such a bulky subject, that we get these dumb explanations that are so stilted.
Send me an email!
hammered her on negotiating behind closed doors.
I might have been wrong. It has been surprisingly civil so far.
it’s early.
I’m glad this is a sitting debate. For some reason Obama always does better sitting than standing. He’s better than normal tonight.
Wolf perceives a ‘swipe’ at Hillary on Obama’s part re health care plan differentiations & jumps to highlight it; easy to see what Wolf believes he’s doing here.
how are doctors going to stop working for insurance companies and get back to working for patients?
That’s insulting.
Do you think anybody except political junkies is really listening to all this substance?
Yet another health care related question .. tax and spend.
I don’t know, but I like Barack’s attack on Republicans and McCain
soon they’ll tune out too.
The Straight Talk Express lost a wheel…Nice Obama
That even got a “real” laugh from Hillary.
To attack Republicans tonight. I like that strategy. Going hard negative will be harmful for both of them I think.
Neither can afford to stumble so it’s safer to attack Republicans.
Hillary is stumbling on this answer on how she’ll pay for her healthcare plan. It seems too rehearsed. If I was interviewing her (which I do regularly at my job), my b.s. meter would be peaking.
She was very measured & deliberate as she started her response — it seemed uncharacteristic.
I like that they’re both re-framing the whole tax and spend meme that Leslie is hammering on. Moral obligations of the rich and all that jazz.
I like that.
I hope to god they get off of Healthcare soon.
I wonder how often Hillary will harken back to the Clinton administration tonight.
The CA state legislature just failed to pass a state mandated health ins. plan (thank goodness), so that’s why there’s such a focus on healthcare. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem like too many Californians were aware of the possible legislation.
Score for Hillary in reminding people that they were better off in the Clinton 90’s when they paid higher rates.
Going forward, though, I wonder how she’ll straddle the line between the past & future ‘change’.
I suppose we’re only talking about very incremental change — from the past 7 years only. In that case, all the candidates represent similar change & she gives me no compelling reason to choose her particularly.
Wait a minute — hasn’t she just described herself as complicit with scapegoating?
(Paraphrase): ‘People want answers as to why they’re doing badly economically — so I ask them, what would you do with all those illegal immigrants?’
immigration time – framing it as a negative to the african american population.
obama – all are feeling economically insecure, even before the recent wave of immigrants. calls it scapegoating – huge applause from crowd
That was awesomely brilliant. I hear neighbors cheering!
Really? You can hear your neighbors cheering?
But the “O-bama” chanting tipped me off that it wasn’t. I went out for a smoke and I can hear someone on the next street over has their TV out and their watching. They usually do that for games and boxing matches. They certainly have never done it for a primary. Must be proximity.
Hillary is taking the immigration question to the right of Obama.
Yes. Do you think this is a GE strategy or is it a California strategy that I just don’t understand?
even though I am interested in the subject, she bored me to distraction. Guess that was the point since the question was on driver’s licenses.
It sounded completely political – as though there were poll tested.
But Clinton’s talking points sound like she stole Giuliani’s immigration talking points.
Hillary is lying, she’s been using a line lately that includes the abhorrent line: “with no legal process“
Preview is my friend…
this is in regards to deportation of migrants with criminal records. she is pandering to a hardliner crowd with that
Damn straight.
Linkage to new thread
Did she balance the budget? No 3rd term!