McCain is the nominee.

So reported The Huffington Post this morning, February 1, 2008.

Last night on “Hannity & Colmes,” Ann Coulter made a striking announcement: she’ll campaign for Hillary Clinton if John McCain is the Republican nominee. Earlier this week, the New York Observer’s Jennifer Rubin reported that members of the conservative punditry were “beside themselves” over the thought of a McCain nomination, but Coulter’s pronouncement is a new, and surprising, development. Watch her explain her rationale to Sean Hannity, while Alan Colmes can only sit back and laugh:

The YouTube video:

This we will have to see. Does this mean that Hillary is the most conservative Democrat running? Well, considering that DLC Democrats like Bill Clinton succeeded in the 90s by stealing the Republican platform, this choice is only to be expected. Obama is way out of the running for this endorsement.