McCain is the nominee.
So reported The Huffington Post this morning, February 1, 2008.
Last night on “Hannity & Colmes,” Ann Coulter made a striking announcement: she’ll campaign for Hillary Clinton if John McCain is the Republican nominee. Earlier this week, the New York Observer’s Jennifer Rubin reported that members of the conservative punditry were “beside themselves” over the thought of a McCain nomination, but Coulter’s pronouncement is a new, and surprising, development. Watch her explain her rationale to Sean Hannity, while Alan Colmes can only sit back and laugh:
The YouTube video:
This we will have to see. Does this mean that Hillary is the most conservative Democrat running? Well, considering that DLC Democrats like Bill Clinton succeeded in the 90s by stealing the Republican platform, this choice is only to be expected. Obama is way out of the running for this endorsement.
Why am I not surprised?
Me too.
The most right wing of the Democratic candidates gets an appropriate endorsement.
Rupert Murdoch Loves Hillary Clinton May 9, 2006, CBS News
“Conservative media mogul Rupert Murdoch will host a fundraiser for liberal New York Sen. Hillary Clinton, the Financial Times reports.”
Hillary’s Blackwater Connection
“A lot of negative things have been written in the blogosphere about pollster Mark Penn, Hillary Clinton’s increasingly-powerful advisor. Penn’s critics have focused on his firm’s union-busting work. They’ve also attacked his insistence on promoting a strategy of so-called “centrism,” even as supposedly “centrist” policy positions – especially regarding Iraq – become increasingly unpopular. And now we learn that the PR firm he runs, Burson-Marsteller, has been hired to repair Blackwater’s reputation.”
Rupert Murdock changed his mind
The New York Post, a Murdock asset, endorsed Obama
“Sen. Clinton could have reined him in at any time. But she chose not to – which tells the nation all it needs to know about what a Clinton II presidency would be like.”
Some pundits also claim that Bill wants another bite at the apple in order to take care of unfinished business. What that is is unsaid. But a co-presidency is what is hinted at. Now if they pledged to separate bedrooms, one might believe otherwise.
It has always been a co-presidency, 1992-2000 years. A well kept secret from Americans. Just revealed. I heard that earlier this week in an interview NPR Fresh Air Terry Gross
One ex-White House aide said “Hillary was deeply immersed in policy issues.” Confirmsd those rumors had some zest within them.
It’s proven. Hillary can’t control Bill, even when there are happenings right under her nose.
I remember back in ’92, an interview with Bill Clinton and the anchor asked him about the role of his wife and Bill Clinton flat out said it would be co-presidency. I’m just trying to remember if it was before or after the nomination.
between the editors of one paper in his chain making an endorsement and the actual actions of Rupert Murdoch himself.
I would not make the blind assumption that Murdoch has himself changed anything.
When I saw that clip this morning, I laughed out loud in my office. I wonder how Hillary feel about this? Can’t be good for Dems still wavering, can it?
Of course, AC could be doing this b/c she thinks Hillary is less likely to win against the Republican nominee? She knows Obama would kick ass? Hmm….
Or, she’s just bat shit crazy, which we already know.
For those on dial-up like myself, Coltish Ann puts it
in writing.
This is an attempt to repair the GOP.
Thank you!
Clouter has opened the floodgates?
via Huffington Post:
Clinton Backer Compares Obama (Healthcare) Ad to Nazi March
“The Clinton campaign convened a conference call with health policy experts to denounce Obama’s new mailer (.pdf), which attacks Clintons plan for “forcing” Americans to sign up for insurance, and which features a couple at a kitchen table that recalls, for some, the famous insurance-industry financed “Harry and Louise” ads against the original Clinton plan.”
Not that it makes a difference, but this option in Obama’s plan is a weak link. The idea behind universal insurance is just that, insurance. Everyone pays for everyone else, on a need basis, like any other kind of insurance. That is the principle that supports it financially.
Disagree. There’s a difference the mandates to buy is the weak link in Hillary’s plan. It’s a deal breaker.
How do you force people to buy what they can’t afford. And they’d be punished for not buying. Who does this option enhance? The corpinsurers and HMOs.
Forget Krugman on his pedestal. He has the brain of a sparrow.
This story is entertaining, but I wouldn’t look much beyond that. Trying to find deep motivation or rational reasoning in the endorsement of a deranged madwoman is an exercise in pointlessness.
And in case that wasn’t clear enough, by deranged madwoman I was referring to Coulter, not Clinton 😉
Thank you for my first belly laugh of the day, ejmw!
CPAC [conservative political action conf] dumped her rancid a$$ as a featured guest after last year’s fiasco, but:
one may presume, they didn’t want he upstaging chimpy and lord cheney…who, btw, had a birthday yesterday…