Progress Pond

Yo Mama Bin Barak

Alec Baldwin, the actor and sometime political columnist, filed this report a few days ago on January 28: The Ascendancy of Barack Obama in Small Town America. Although scorn marks this story about small town antiObama racism in a small Long Island, NY newspaper, one can only wonder how deep and extensive the prejudices are throughout America.

For those of you wondering how the Obama ascendancy is playing out in Small Town America, I offer you this column (below) from the Independent, a weekly newspaper published on the East End of Long Island by Jerry Della Femina, the former advertising executive turned restaurateur and columnist. This particular piece was written by Rick Murphy under his weekly “Low Tidings” column. Murphy is also credited as a publisher of the Independent.

This article has caused quite a stir in East Hampton and beyond. So much so that the paper has pulled it from their website and Murphy, a regular antagonist of the Democratic Party, both locally and nationally, and the Clintons in particular, has replaced it with a brief apology. The Independent is considered the more right-leaning and Republican-endorsing paper of the East End community. Della Femina himself is regarded as one of the great Hillary-Haters in all of the world.

On the heels of Barack Obama being endorsed for the presidency by the normally close-to-the-vest Caroline Kennedy, whose invocation of her father’s enduring legacy carries, in some people’s hearts and minds, more weight than any ten such endorsements by others, please read what the local Republicans in my home town are thinking, and publishing, about Senator Obama. This is, quite clearly, not to be believed.

In one shot, Obama is depicted as the jazzy “Black” candidate and a dangerous Muslim to be avoided. If this ad does anything, it provides the foundations of a Swiftboating campaign if Obama were to be nominated the Democratic presidential candidate. And that should be reason enough to vote for him.

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