As I’ve written several times, caucuses are anti-democratic bullshit. That’s probably why the mainstream corporate press pretends the contrast between secret-ballot democratic elections (primaries) and ‘everyone knows your business’ hours-long caucuses are both no big deal and ‘fascinating/arcane’. Which leads the MSM to ignoring the primary/caucus distinction altogether. For example, CNN calls its election 2008 section “Primaries.” The Los Angeles Times calls its results survey “Primary Tracker.” When MSNBC overviews results, it doesn’t tell you whether they’re from a primary or a caucus. And, just for laughs, FOX has this headline for New Mexico’s CAUCUS: “New Mexico Democratic Primary Too Close to Call Early Wednesday.”

Anyway, for once I agree with you MSM! We should ignore caucuses and any other anti-democratic selection method the Democratic Party elites force on the states. In that spirit, here are the results of the real elections so far. Hillary leads Obama 51.2% to 48.8% in votes cast in real elections, and she’s won eleven of the eighteen primaries (she won nine of the fifteen held on Super Tuesday). Here are the numbers from the states practicing democracy:

By the way, the best place to find out when all the primaries are and so on is here, at

For more caucus madness, take it away New Mexico!