In October of 2006 I wrote a diary Pimping My Husband IN 06 on Daily Kos.
And with the dust up over MSNBC, I thought now would be a good time to Pimp My Husband…again!
With all the Presidential candidate diaries you have to get attention any way you can! ;o)
Yes folks, it’s me Sherri Welsh, aka Congressional Candidates Wife. First, let me clarify by saying as a woman, I think that David Schuster stepped way over the line by suggesting that the Clinton daughter was being pimped out. It’s one thing for a wife (tongue in cheek) to speak about her husband that way, but I think in this context it isn’t appropriate to say such about someone else’s daughter. I’m not being hypocritical, I’m thinking about it from a parent’s perspective (we have 4 daughters) and we have chosen to keep our daughters out of politics in the last cycle. We often have discussions on our positions, on how Government should work and the realities of our current administration. That being said, we are leaving it up to our daughters to make up their own minds and opinions about politics and how they would like to be exposed to it.
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Okay, back to the original point, let’s be honest, politics is about [raising moneyhttps:/] and getting out a message, with the hope that the message is strong enough to gain enough votes to be put into a position of making change. While some raise money by (it would seem) selling their souls to big business special interest, or by making promises to those with bucu bucks. While Barry isn’t one of the ones that will compromise on his positions, I still need to pimp him out folks – a wife’s gotta do what a wife’s gotta do! ;o)
By pimping him out, I really mean I am giving him to this country to do his duty, and service to the people of this nation. I believe very strongly that this country needs Barry in Congress. It is not just about getting rid of Mike Pence (huge bonus in my opinion).
His latest effort is Save the Whales. Japan appears to be using a loophole in an International treaty and is doing commercial whaling, masking it as scientific study. This is an example of his justifiable disgust when learning of the existence of some plastic dump in the Pacific Ocean. I know Barry, and I know what he is doing is right, and he is passionate about this among other issues.
Barry was against the war in Iraq from the beginning. Barry has been shouting about the recession that has been happening in this district and the surrounding districts for the last decade and now is spreading nationally. He was right on all of the issues in 2006 and nothing has changed, and he’s been proven right currently. Here are some things you need to know about Barry:
- He went toe to toe with Mike Pence in debate last election and proved he is capable, qualified, and prepared to go to Congress.
- Raised the democratic total from 28% from his predecessor in 2004 to 40% in 2006.
- He had a lung disease when he was little and wasn’t supposed to make it, but he overcame it.
- He had a head injury when he was in high school and wasn’t supposed to make it but he overcame it.
- Did you know that Barry, while in high school was a Governor’s Award Winner and a Hoosier State Scholar, among many other things?
- Was a multi-talented athlete, he lettered in varsity Football and Baseball and track in his freshman year and had a Senior Letter Jacket when he was a sophomore.
- Received both scholastic and athletic scholarships to Wabash College in Crawfordsville, IN.
- Due to a neck and back injury while playing football at Wabash, Barry had to quit football and couldn’t afford to attend Wabash. Barry transferred to Ball State University on a full Scholastic scholarship.
- Has a Bachelor of Science with 7 majors:
Government, Economics, Psychology, Sociology, World History, US History and Geography.
- Worked Construction and was a union worker (IBEW) as a telephone line installer.
- Worked in many charities and personally cleaned and restored headstones in the local cemetery after a tornado ripped through the area.
- Was a high school teacher of subjects – Government, Economics, Psychology, Sociology and History?
- Coached Football, basketball and baseball.
- Was a small business owner?
- Was a Pastor of a United Methodist Church for 10 years.
- Was a radio personality with his own morning show, while also being a Pastor?
- Immediately after 9/11 co-created “Pennies from Heaven” encouraging all and any to donate pennies to the Red Cross for the 9/11 victims and their families while broadcasting live for 12 hours and raised over a million pennies.
- Stood in cold winter conditions on the street corner collecting Coats for Kids every year.
- Was a finance manager at a multi-million dollar company?
- Ran in 2004 as a State Senate candidate and was the only Democrat on the ticket in many areas.
- Barry is a gun owner.
- From a tiny congregation of people, he helped to feed 60+ families per month from the church’s food pantry.
- Was a leader in the 50 State Challenge Republicans everywhere movement.
- He is a Great public speaker and very magnetic.
- People like him and vote for him.
Barry is the number one fundraiser on ActBlue among the Democratic Congressional Candidates in Indiana, which might be expected with the blue dogs in Indiana and not reaching out as Barry does through non-traditional ways, and I want to double what he has raised, and I want to do it with this post, and do it tonight.
I am sitting here after a long week at work, and I know I am being ambitious with this, but I also know that it can happen with your help.
I want to raise ten thousand dollars tonight on-line.
I have shown you why Barry should be in Congress, he has shown all of us what he can do with just a little money, and now I am asking you to do your part and help us out.
If you can give 10 dollars, give it, we need 1000 of you to reach the goal, if you can give 100 dollars, give it, we need 100 of you to reach our goal. If you can max out and give forty-six hundred, please give it.
Barry has a primary coming in May, and there are going to be many people coming out to vote for Obama and Hillary that are not normally Democratic Party members and we need to position Barry to take advantage of those new voters with name recognition in the primary to capitalize on that in the general. Barry will also probably be a delegate to the National Convention. I do not profess to be an expert at politics, but I am learning, and I do know that this is not going to be an election about money, it is going to be about change, and that is Barry in this district. This is a time and a district where you can and will make a difference. This is an area where a little goes a long way.
Barry needs the money to execute his strategy of WINNING! This is doable (okay I may have misspelled that) we need to not just keep him alive or going, we NEED Barry to WIN! This affects YOU, this affects ME and it affects EVERYONE who is trying to make it in today’s world. WE need to work TOGETHER and TOGETHER WE CAN WIN! Don’t you kid yourself this is a reality!
Think about it folks – Hillary spent $500,000 on parking alone!!!! I could guarantee you that with $500,000 Barry WILL win!!!
You can help right now by going to [ActBluehttps:/] and donating whatever you can, and then pimp my husband to others!! ;o)
This diary is my own words and thoughts and is not vetted through the campaign, it’s my own perspective from the inside looking out of a Congressional campaign in action.
Thank you for taking the time to read my diary and, of course, all comments are welcome.
Now Let’s chat and get Barry elected. See you in the comments.
Sherri Welsh
Congressional Candidates Wife
Now Let’s chat and get Barry elected. See you in the comments.
Hi Sherri, welcome back! I’m a neighbor to the south in IN-9 and I’d love to see Barry in the Indiana delegation. Best of luck to you – this will be your time! I dropped a small bit of help over at Barry’s Act Blue page.
Great! Thanks so much for all of your support.