Also available with extra spite.

Powell  May Support a Democrat or Independent This Year.

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican who served under President Bush, said Friday he may not back the GOP presidential nominee in November, telling CNN that “I am keeping my options open at the moment.”

“I have voted for members of both parties in the course of my adult life,” Powell, a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “And as I said earlier, I will vote for the candidate I think can do the best job for America, whether that candidate is a Republican, a Democrat, or an Independent.”

Hey Colin, big fave, mmm’kay? Fuck. Off.  Don’t come sidling around the Democrats, who already have PLENTY of credibility problems of their own, trying to clean up your reputation and make yourself out to be some kind of independent man of character and integrity.

No one, but NO ONE, forgotten your role in the Iraq debacle with your little vial of semen or whatever it was you were pretending was nerve gas at the UN.  Do you honestly think any Democrat with half a brain wants you showing up doling out your endorsement?  My God, NAMBLA would be preferable to you: at least they admit what they are.  Typhoid Mary would be preferable to a Powell endorsement.  ED FUCKING GEIN would be preferable to a Powell endorsement.

You are a disgrace, Mr. Powell, one of many directly responsible for the deaths of nearly 4,000 American soldiers and counting. How many of your compatriots have come home legless, armless, faceless, psychotic?  You knew the case for war was “bullshit”, and yet there you were holding up your sample to the UN.

If you had any honor at all in your Mai-Lai covering-up body, you would have taken out your service revolver long ago and put that thing to good use.

But do NOT, DO NOT, come slinking around the Democratic Party’s candidates or unaffiliated voters like the mangy dog you are thinking you can rehab your reputation through association.  I realize you’re desperate to remove the albatross you’ve hung around your neck, but dude it is WAY too late for that.  You will always be that guy that prostituted what remained of his integrity to enable a war based on lies.  I hope they paid you well.

Go jump in a lake.  Preferably from off a very tall bridge, with a cinder block or two chained to your ankle.