Now, if Glenn Beck is quoting Nouriel Roubini it DOES represent a major change in the atmosphere in Camp Wingnut.  The blinders are off the horse, and the horse is going to be crapping everywhere now.

It doesn’t however mean that the wingnuts have stopped drinking the “Bush Boom” Kool-Aid.  Quite the opposite.

Because what it really means is that, following GOP talking point regurgitation standard operational procedures where everybody but the actually responsible parties are blamed, the failure of the economy will now at every turn be blamed on brown people, black people, gay people, women, liberals, and Democrats instead of the Old White Rich Republican Donor Men who actually made these various greedy and shortsighted decisions in the first place and who will continue to make the decisions despite empirical evidence of being arguably the worst people to actually do so given the state of the economy.

Expect the next, oh, decade or so to be about How The Liberals Ruined The Bush Economy.

I’m just sayin’.