I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the snake in Hillary’s grass in this campaign is her chief spokesman Howard Wolfson. Mr. Wolfson is bound and determined to spread as much noxious babble about Obama that it is possible to imagine. Then, when Obama is forced to change from the high level campaign he has been running into one that focuses on Hillary’s secrets and foibles and not the issues facing Americans, Wolfson accuses Obama of using GOP tactics.
I’ve seen Wolfson on two or three of the political talk shows and I find him an obnoxious wretch. That Hillary seems to depend on him for the crap he is putting out speaks more than ill of her campaigning abilities.
This comment in TPM Cafe sums it up pretty well:
Watch out, we have new Baby Darth Vader on the scene.
Same baritoned evil… same pompous, smug, snide demeanor.
Same Alopecia-ed dome cogitating mayhem and destruction.
LOL. Howard Wolfson = Dick Cheney Jr.
There was this from The Hill this morning:
Ann Lewis and Howard Wolfson, top aides to Clinton, held a conference call with reporters in which they said that Obama’s calling on the former first lady to release her tax returns were similar to attacks from the GOP that the Clintons have faced before.
“I for one do not believe that imitating Ken Starr is a way to win a Democratic primary for the presidency,” Wolfson said.
So Wolfson is trying to equate Obama with the GOP types that impeached Bill Clinton, because Obama is asking Hillary to reveal her tax returns… which he has done!
The Hill goes on:
The Obama campaign promptly reacted.
“It is absurd that after weeks of badgering the media to `vet’ Senator Obama, the Clinton campaign believes that they should be held to an entirely different standard,” said Obama spokesman Bill Burton. “We don’t believe that expecting candidates for the presidency to disclose their tax returns somehow constitutes Ken Starr-tactics, but the kind of transparency and accountability that Americans are looking for and that’s been missing in Washington for far too long.”
I’ll tell you one thing, Wolfson is using Karl Rove tactics. Newsday has said:
But obviously, what brings it to mind is the current discussions of when, if ever, Clinton and Wolfson will release her tax returns as she runs for president this year. Their attitude has been, basically, when they feel like it.
But obviously… Wolfson needs to be called out brought to a comedown.
so who was Hillary playing when she criticized Rick Lazio, her Republican opponent in 2000, for not releasing his tax returns?
from The Orange Palace
Bill Bradley on NewsHour Jim Lehrer
pardons that are granted? e.g. Denise Rich’s donation
truly a monster this Hillary.
Oh my, the GOP will have choice of additional scandals to throw the Clintons’ way.