Progress Pond

More Clinton Slime

Howard Wolfson has added more Clinton slime that will certainly have the consequence of insuring that no one other than Clinton Kool Aid drinkers will support her stolen nomination. ..I say stolen because, thanks to MSOC’s math it is a fact that Clinton can’t win the nomination, she can only steal it through malicious fear mongering and prevarication.

Wolfson compared Obama to Ken Starr.  Yesterday Obama commented that his campaign would more actively criticize Clinton’s claims of national security experience and lack of transparency about her tax returns after her “slash and burn” tactics in Ohio and Texas.  In only what can be called a Rovian creation of a second reality Wolfson stated

When Senator Obama was confronted with questions over whether he was ready to be commander in chief and steward of the economy, he chose not to address the questions but to attack Senator Clinton, and that’s what we’re pointing out.”

This incredible lunacy follows on the good Senator’s scurillous statement about that hypothetical phone call in the middle of the night that she has the needed experience, McCain has the needed experience, and that Obama made a speech.    That comment is the direct cause of my decision to not vote for Clinton if she steals the nomination.  

Clinton, perhaps showing that she and her husband and other DLC’ers are in fact Republican-lite, has a page straight out of Karl Rove’s slimeball politics:  viciously attack your opponenet and then when your opponent responds call that response a vicious personal attack.  My only hope is that because of Obama’s calls for citizens to become citizens again and to educate themselves, that this slimeball Rovian tactic won’t work.  

How a candidate runs their campaign is exactly how they will run the government and lead the country.  We show people who we are.  How we act is who we are, not what we say we are.  Senator Clinton has truly exposed herself.

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