According to Nancy Pelosi, we can forget about the so-called Dream Ticket and she tells us exactly who is to blame:

“I think that the Clinton administration (sic) [ed. note: I assume she meant to say “campaign”] has fairly ruled that out by proclaiming that Senator McCain would be a better Commander in Chief than Obama. I think that either way is impossible,” she said.

You know something Speaker Pelosi? I think you are absolutely correct. Obama has never expressed any indication that he would want Clinton as his running mate, and the recent racist smears by her surrogate, Geraldine Ferraro, is not likely to increase the odds of adding her to any ticket on which he holds downs the top slot. And I can’t see how Obama can accept the Veep slot if Clinton wins the nomination when it would just give McCain all the negative ad material necessary to attack the both of them. Obama for being “inexperienced” and Clinton for being a hypocrite and a political opportunist of the first order.

By the way, does Pelosi’s statement amount to a de facto endorsement of Obama? It sort of seems that way to me, frankly.