Getting to show all of us how Commander-in-Chiefish he can be, just like Georgie Boy, he also flies into Baghdad unannounced. Hell, they didn’t even tell the Iraqi government he was there, until he was there. Isn’t that so romantic?

“We were informed that John McCain landed in Iraq Sunday morning,” Ali al-Moussawi, an official in the office of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, told the AP. “A meeting will take place with the Iraqi government.”

Sen. John McCain and the McCainettes (Sens. Lindsey Graham & Joe Lieberman) landed in Baghdad and are set to meet with deputy PM Barham Saleh, Gen. David Petraeus, and perhaps al-Maliki as well. […]

McCain’s trip abroad will also include visits in the UK with Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Stavros Dimas, the European Union’s commissioner for the environment; in Paris with President Nicolas Sarkozy; in Jerusalem with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Likud leader Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu; and in Amman, with Jordanian King Abdullah.

And he gets to go with his bestest best friend, Senator Lieberman of the Lieberman for Lieberman Party. How much you wanna bet the US taxpayer is picking up the tab for this little stunt? Oh, don’t want to take that bet? Me neither:

McCain says his trip is as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, not as the presumptive GOP presidential nominee. But on Thursday, McCain will hold a fundraiser at Spencer House in London for Americans living abroad — $1,000-$2,300 per person. McCain joins a growing list of U.S. candidates shaking money trees abroad — Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have sent their spouses to the British Isles on such tasks, and Rudy Giuliani hopped across the pond for a similar fundraiser.

Isn’t that special. Of course, it’s a fact finding trip. Tell you what Straight Shooter, why don’t you go back to that same marketplace you visited last year, the one where snipers returned and mortar shells killed market goers after your hundreds of US military bodyguards vacated the premises, only this time do it without any military escort. After all, the “surge” you support has worked so well you shouldn’t need any protection from the US military, right? Or take a tour of Sadr City. I bet those people would just love to shake the hand of the man who promised a hundred year occupation of Iraq by the US of A.

Now that would be a real fact finding mission.