Progress Pond

Idaho GOP is a Mess

From the Guru:

Idaho: Two pieces of news transpired on the independent candidate front that may shave votes from the eventual Republican nominee and help Larry LaRocco.  First, rancher Rex Rammell announced that he’ll be leaving the Republican primary mix and filing for Senate as an independent.  Remember that Rammell has a major bone to pick with presumptive Republican frontrunner Jim Risch.  Having Rammell in the general as an independent taking shots at Risch, if Risch does win the GOP nomination, will be good times.  Second, another independent candidate for Senate, formerly Marvin Richardson, has legally changed his name to “Pro-Life” and will appear as such on the ballot.  Idaho wingers looking to vote for the candidate most committed to eliminating choice and privacy rights may check off the “Pro-Life” ballot line instead of the Republican line.  All the while, Larry LaRocco is bringing it.

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