This entry is going to be two diaries in one, since there is a lot I want to share with you.

First the title. Many of you here may know that for several years I had the site Village Blue which I closed the  down in November 07, due to lack of participation and the cost.

Village Blue was a site about anything but politics, a lot of this and that, a dash of spiritual,  a frame built upon The Native America Code of Ethics, lots of beautiful art and flower pictures (mostly of my garden) and many just plain fun entries.

“Well sometime in early march I got an hankering for that kind of site again, seems I had a lot to say and just couldn’t find the appropriate place to publish my thoughts. Of course I dropped a few diaries on Booman, but you know it just wasn’t the same, so I set out on a journey to restore the old VB.  

10 days later, much hair pulling, frustration, angst and anger, 2 hosting services later, I once again had A VB.  It was at this point bare bones, nothing like the old VB, that had been carefully nurtured for 3 years, just a plain old site and for 2 days I stared at the site, wrote a word or two, tried to spruce it up, and then started to ask myself, why!  Here I was again staring at this site, that would cost me money again and now I could barely write a word.  LOL.  Writers block.

So being the sometime sensible person I am, I thought, “heck over here on the other hand I have this lovely free site, Village Blue 2. with guess what, all kinds of bells and whistles, easy to use, didn’t need a degree in computing to fix it up, so what the heck, I canceled the paid site and kept the free one.

Which brings me to the point of inviting you all to come and visit Village Blue2 , a non political site, once again beginning to be filled with flowers, lovely words, art pictures, and Shirlstars and Whisel with their uncanny ability to write the most delightful series of words. Expanded Views which is mainly the purview of Shirlstars to post the esoteric and spiritual material she collect and receives from various sources, of her group of spiritualists and friends around the Internet.
Secondly, Divorce California Style
    As I have written previously on this site my 32 yr. old daughter is going through what has become a most nasty divorce.  Due to my closeness with her I am the one she confides in and tells all the stories to, I am one of the many who try to bring her comfort, I try to help keep her and kids fed properly, help her to navigate her way through both the nastiness, the pain, the legal system, and any other associated systems that we have been doing research on and of necessity must apply to.  
Boy, I tell you, it doesn’t get any easier to go through a daughters divorce than your own and the constant ups and downs emotionally play havoc with your stomach and temperament.  I guess an upside of this is that I am losing weight.

There however is a good side of all of this too. I am witness to my daughter’s blossoming and blooming. I am seeing her grow in her own inner beauty, strength,  happiness and worthiness. I see her beginning to really love and embrace the wonderful and glorious side of her life and personality.  I have seen her come to the realization that she can indeed have a life of joy.

The whole family remarks that we have never seen her happier (for the most part),  and we are collectively so proud of her for taking this step of shedding that which was constricting and hurting her for lo these many years.

So that’s my story for today, and please do come and visit both VB2 and Extended Views, come often, contribute your own words and pics, we would love to see you there.
I leave you with a beautiful flower picture, best wishes to all and have a great day!