Yes to both, but she told friends she has a mission.
The hollow scandal this time is over Obama’s empathy with small town America. Yes that’s what it is and without the prefix, It depends.
Andrew Sullivan’s first reaction was that Obama’s choice of words, `bitter and angry’ would hurt. On reflection, Andrew has changed his view. In a follow-up entry he puts the question:
The “bitter” spat is gold for Morris-Rove politics, which is why Clinton is exploiting it so baldly. It is exactly the kind of debate that has constructed American politics since Vietnam; it is exactly the kind of politics that Obama has been trying to transcend. Clinton will use anything at this point to destroy Obama’s candidacy and message; but by adopting Rovism at its reddest, the Clintons do risk looking too obvious.
Check out the comments in CNN’s Politicker. At some point people will realize that the Clintons represent a continuation of the kind of politics that has made a serious engagement with this country’s profound problems impossible. Or is acknowledging profound problems now unpatriotic?
Is this election about how to salvage the least worst option in the Iraq disaster? Is it about restoring some kind of fiscal sanity? Is it about doing all we can to unite Americans in a war against Islamic terrorism? Is it about restoring America’s compliance with the Geneva Conventions? Or is it again about red-blue culture wars?
We know what the professional political class is comfortable with. We know what Rove and Bush and Penn and Clinton believe. What we will find out soon is if Americans want more of the same. It’s a free country – and people can vote. Goodbye to all that? Or hello again – for yet another cycle?
Well, yes. Hillary has over-reached.
More than any other, this hollow flap reveals the Clintons are bitter and their jealousies are stark.
They have reached to new gutter lows, using their No: 1 and No: 2 enemies – Richard Mellon Scaife and Drudge – to channel attacks. Drudge has become an extension of HRC’s HQ media resource. getting exclusives – their tax returns, the famous photo of Obama in native garb.
More to it, the Clintons are fuming.
They’ve been out-campaigned by an upstart…… effing man of the visible minority. No elitist. He has lived and worked in the inner city…drugs – you know the stereotypical. How dare he, this darkie? And how dare we voters buy into his fairy tale promises of hope and change?
How unseemly for a former first lady and ex-president? No thought or care given to the consequences of their campaign behavior on the Party.
In my view, that’s the real rub.
Obama’s success repudiates, lays bare the Clintons’ legacy, their restoration project, their third chance to occupy the White House. It’s all about their naked quest for more money, more power. Barack Obama is the threat.
Obama did not wait 2 weeks to respond. He’s been offering a masterful campaign.
Brillant was his response. (HT: AsiansVote)
Here’s a unscientific survey of how bitter-gate and Obama’s response is being received outside of the BooMan community:
A reader at Sullivan’s The Daily Dish from link provided.
“I am a rustbelt native. I live near Gary, Indiana and have never lived anywhere else. I’ll probably die here.
I read and, more importantly, listened to Barack Obama’s response to the Clinton cacophony after his remarks about blue collar/regular people/rustbelt voters. The difference between the two politicians is amazing. One is thoughtful and unafraid while defending a politically risky yet righteous position. The other is just noise.[.]
Obama’s right about guns and religion in that there simply isn’t much to do in an economically depressed area but hunt and pray. There’s nothing insulting or elitist about this, but people can be easily persuaded that an elitist has indeed insulted them.
That’s what worries me. People will forget their interests, will forget that their children are moving away en masse, will forget the political idiocy of the Clintonian hypocrisy that inspires Howard Beale-like angst in all of us. They may forget all of that just for the misguided privilege of feeling insulted.
Check the readers’ comments from across the country – at CNN
random selected from 301 comments
Rus in St. Paul, MN April 11th, 2008 6:07 pm ET
This is a stretch and taking things a lot out of context. Everyone’s been bitter at government since government’s were first established.
Just take a look at Congress and the President’s approval ratings and tell me people are not bitter.
Ryan G. April 11th, 2008 6:07 pm ET
Obama tells it like it is. Give me harsh truth over pretty lies any day.
Todd April 11th, 2008 6:08 pm ET
Darn right people are bitter, and they have a right to be. CNN has no problem calling the Clinton/Obama fight “bitter”, and Clinton has done her part to make it so. But people are bitter over gas prices, iraq, unemployment, foreclosures, the war debt, the environement, immigration issues, 9/11, etc., and as Obama states, they have a right to be bitter. But he offers hope.
Daniel, Plattsburgh, NY April 11th, 2008 6:08 pm ET
Good lord, do I really see the Clinton and McCain campaigns suggesting that people who have lost their jobs due to economic change in the last 25 years aren’t bitter? What kind of idiots do they think we are?
Bacusla April 11th, 2008 6:08 pm ET
Next!!Faith – Ohio April 11th, 2008 6:08 pm ET
Clinton…Clinton…CLINTON!!!! Just STOP it!!! Why don’t you spend your time cleaning up Bill’s mess instead of messing with Barack! Why don’t you just continue to under mind the voters of PA as you did us here in Ohio. (I wish I could have my vote back!) They from what I see, seems to like that! I just pray the wake up and realize before April 22nd.
Sam April 11th, 2008 6:08 pm ET
These Clintons need to understand this message loud and clear: whatever you are selling….I ain’t buying it.
Just asking. Who’s out of touch?
From where I sit Hillary is over-done.
The Clintons ruined whatever was left of their legacy.
I don’t give a fig. I’m pissed.
Hillary’s hypocrisy knows no bounds. She’s now religious; a church-going believer. Never mind this.
Oh, and she’s now for gun rights too. Never mind this.
So, What is Hillary’s Mission?
Oh yes, glad you reminded.
Hillary’s mission, as she has told friends is:
To save the Democrats from themselves
Wheeeeeeeeeeee. Help me up. I fell off my chair and need to finish this diary. Oh, thanks.
John F. Harris, Politico relates
What Clinton wishes she could say [out loud]
There’s nothing to say that the Clintonites are right about Obama’s presumed vulnerabilities. But one argument seems indisputably true: Obama is on the brink of the Democratic nomination without having had to confront head-on the evidence about his general election challenges.
Her candidacy may be a long shot, but no one should expect she will end it unless or until every last door has been shut.
(highlights added)
OMG. Say what? Someone is drunk on cigars.
I’ll give a word to House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi:
Bill Clinton’s error-riddled excuse: … a ‘Late-Night Adult Moment’
We have eyes to see the challenges. However, Obama is still standing. He transcends.. People – Democrats, Independents and Republicans – want to say “goodbye to all that; the Bushes/Cheney/McCains and goodbye to the Clintons too.” We’re fatigued.
I have 10,000 reasons why I’m compelled to conclude that the media – Harris, Vandehei, and the Ben Smiths of this world – are all out of touch with Mr. and Mrs. Joe MainStreet America.
Hillary has not only over-reached. She’s over-done…from day one and as with a burnt roast, we’ll throw her out. Perhaps, Pennsylvania may lead her to the door.
Do you believe in Omens?
Enjoy Hillary’s Deathwatch.
And because no omen goes unnoted at Deathwatch, we’re obligated to mention that a Clinton campaign office in Terre Haute, Ind., caught fire last night. Who needs tea leaves when we have flaming headquarters?
Hillary may continue this race all the way, BUT
And she’s in it to the Finish.
Turn on the sound. Press Go.
Go, Hillary…. go, go, go already.
To save the Democrats from Themselves
Whatever the subtext.
Gawd. No, No, NO!!!!
We need to save the Democratic Party from the Clintons.
That’s what this is all about.
The Clintons need to be defeated. Totally.
The Clintons have been the mainstays of the DLC where men like Al From and Will Marshall have concocted the story of how a strong American military push in the Middle Easst is what the people want.Any candidate that does not buy into that story was subjected to frequent unremitting attacks.
Men like Jimmy Carter who wanted the US to enter into a dialog with the Arab nations and promote coexistence between the Palestinians and the Israelis were subjected to regular ridicule.
Elaborate rationales for the tortures of Palestinians were constructed by the likes of Alan Dershowitz.The silence of Hillary on those issues is very telling.So is her complete silence even after Bush admitted his awareness and sanctioning of the tortures of prisoners.
It is in this context one must see her support for the Iraq War Resolution and her continuing support for that resolution.Her support for the Kyl-Lieberman Amendment sanctioning war aginst Iran on pretexts similar to the one that Bush used to launch his war on Iraq comes from the same arguments.
What has upset Hillary’s applecart on the way to the WH is Barack Obama has made a connection with the American people at a gut level that she has never been able to establish despite her name recognition and her trumpeting of her “experience”.
I think this is due to the recognition by the people that he is authentic,does not say things to create an effect like Hillary does and is not beholden to the big moneyed interests that rule her.
The winds of change are blowing through this country and they bear the unmistakable message to Hillary and her DLC cohorts that the American people are tired of incessant warmongering by their politicians and want someone to attend to their needs at home and put America first.
Barack is the right man,at the right time for a nation simply tired of business as usual.
Hillary has over-reached showing Again that she cannot be trusted. We have examples of her Bosnia lies, NAFTA and now bitter-gate:
She has been handing out “we’re not bitter” bumper stickers at campaign events and walla; a noteworthy witness steps forward.
a re-post of mine in another thread
Political Scientist step forward: – TPM
Hillary was for it, Before she Was Against it
Damn. Caught again.
Yes, but of course, Billary is our only hope. We know how to win. You stupid liberals fuck it up every time.
THAT is what she wishes she could say. Along with…
How dare he, this darkie? And how dare we voters buy into his fairy tale promises of hope and change?
And like you said–as the sun rises and sets, this is the essential truth and threat that Barack Obama represents to them:
Yup. He can work for us, perhaps, but /beat us at our own game and prevent the Clinton Restoration??? Oh, HELLS no.
Something is happening with Obama, a phenomenon:
Here is the MSNBC lead article this April 14, 2008-(
For Obama, unexpected support
Antiabortion lawmakers’ backing may help in Pennsylvania and Indiana
Hillary has over-reached.
the boomerang
BitterVoters For Obama’08 heads up this Allentown, PA interview-FoxNews: (HT:Daily Dish)
“Sure, we’re bitter.”
A McCain supporter –
keep it up Hillary. You’re so out of touch.
Twice in 24 hours, and once by union leaders whom she would need if she had any chance of a come-back (which, of course, she doesn’t.)
It’s amazing how she took the second part of the statement out of context, and how smart most people have been about it. Now if “MSM” just features the boos…
And it’s amazing that someone doesn’t take Bill aside and say: “You survived the Monica thing because your overall record in things that counted was good, but you won’t survive this one.”
the link:
Clinton in her attempt to keep the bitterpgate comments alive,
Groans and boos from unions – First read, MSNBC
more revealing are the comments.