Hat tip to Jed Report for reminding us of Hillary’s “tea and cookies” remark.
“Those of us who have tried to have a career, tried to have an independent life, certainly somebody like myself…you know, I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas but what I decided to do was fulfill my profession which I entered before my husband was in public life.”
I remember when she said that. I sympathized. I was in grad school, and had no plans (at that time) to do the “stay at home” thing. And I hadn’t yet developed a real respect for how challenging and rewarding such a choice could be.
But I liked her back then. I recognized that she was treated unfairly. She’s the one who talked about a “vast right wing conspiracy”, remember? Knowing from personal experience what it’s like to be hammered with your own ill-chosen words, she should be the first person to denounce such attacks on her fellow Democrats. Instead, she seeks to profit from them. That’s just sad…and wrong.
Haven’t watched it, but apparently it takes advantage of Obama’s “bitter” remark.
Far as I can tell, HRC has distorted the golder rule about “doing unto others” into something along the lines of, “When others do shitty things unto you, take careful notes, so that later thou may do unto others.”
It’s airing here in the Philly suburbs.
Swiftboating: it’s not just for Republicans anymore.