I’ve been reading various commentators who assure us that Clinton’s campaign received 100,000 donations after PA.
Okay. Let’s accept that. Let’s take that at face value and forget Tuzla and NAFTA and all the other lies. Let’s pretend that’s a fact.
How does 100,000 donations become $10 million dollars?
Only if 100,000 people give $100 each.
Does anyone here think her poor, blue-collar base and elderly women are capable of that, en masse? I sure don’t.
I also noticed Tuesday night that to get to her campaign Web site, you first had to go to a page begging you to contribute $5.
So I’m thinking – why would I give $100 if someone is only asking for $5, especially if I’m in some rural area where refueling the car is now 20% of my household budget? Why would I fork over money I need to feed my children if the campaign would be pleased as punch if I just gave $5?
I just bet her campaign is “projecting” that amount based on “average” donors. But since she has many big money donors who have maxed out, this is a bad measure, as they can’t contribute another $100, and therefore shouldn’t be allowed in any average.
And come May – you just watch. It will turn out she raised maybe the original figure of $3.5 million, total. I’d be surprised if even that is accurate, given how little she raised last month.
under sniper fire. She needs liagra.
I. don’t. buy. it. one. nano. second.
I saw that email too – hilarious…
just in time. I just posted downthread, a newly minted whopper.
Today I noticed the MSNBC crawler claiming that she was “on track” to receive $10 million.
Uh huh.
They also said Obama had $43 mil in the bank to spend on primaries. Considering that he had $41 mil a couple of days ago this number sounds like it could be accurate. It also sounds like Pennsylvania didn’t slow him down any.
For sale, a new Clinton whopper.
“I didn’t know anything about those pardons that Bill gave to the two Weather Underground members.”
Does Hillary sleep with Bill? wrong question. pardon me.
Does Hillary and Bill dine together, do their paths ever cross. Ever?
Doesn’t she use Google? Wikipedia? That’s basic information.
just a thought; someone offered for sale on eBay Obama’s uneaten real waffles from that diner in PA, maybe we could put up Clinton’s whoppers.
If not on eBay, then on second life – virtual money into cash. Ya know that could be a haul.
Yup, HuffPo has a piece up that the campaign is reporting $5 million more in debt that they had disclosed earlier. And she’s blanketing N Carolina with ads so it’s safe to say she didn’t take the post PA proceeds and pay off any vendors.
I feel so bad for those poor vendors who aren’t getting paid, and may NEVER get paid, because after they lose the election, they will just declare the campaign bankrupt. Forced donations, they have received.