How real is this, how likely?

Politico reporting:

Reid, Pelosi, Dean may intervene in nomination

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid  said Thursday that he may try to force undecided superdelegates to make their decisions in the Democratic presidential race if it stretches into June.

Reid said he would consider writing a joint letter with Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) demanding that superdelegates make their endorsements public.

“The three of us, we may write a joint letter [to superdelegates],” said Reid. “We might do individual letters. We are in contact with each other.”

Reid’s comments suggest that the party’s top three officials are contemplating a high-level intervention if the primary season concludes in June without a nominee and many superdelegates still undecided.
Reid said he would not rush any of the superdelegates for now.

“People will have plenty of opportunity after the last primary on June 2 to make a decision about what they are going to do,” he said.

However, when asked by a reporter if he would be forced to weigh in on the race, Reid replied, “I might have to.”

The Senate majority leader also hinted that another high-profile superdelegate could be making an endorsement in the coming days.

What difference does a month make? Why not say August?

Reid is sending mixed messages or playing with our heads. Either you’re going to get some spine, intervene or STFU.

Dunno about you but I’m kinda tired reading, “something will be done”, “something will be done before the convention”

There is no reason for undecided Super-Delegates to remain on the fence unless they are very afraid:

But what if the remaining undecided delegates are afraid? They’ve seen Bill Richardson called a Judas, Robert Reich and others before him said it was not a pleasant conversation…

Could be. Here are some theories:

Megan McArdle, The Atlantic blog

As Matt [Yglesias] points out, they undoubtedly already know which way they’re going to go, so why are they subjecting us all to this painful ordeal?

Working theories:

  1. They are afraid of retaliation by a vengeful Senator Clinton
  2. They are afraid that she will somehow get the nomination, and retaliate from the Oval Office
  3. They need the Clintons to fundraise for the general
  4. No one wants to be the guy who put the last nail in the Clinton campaign’s coffin.

3. They need the Clintons to fundraise for the general

What, has the Democratic Party come to this – one couple, – Bill and Hillary Clinton are holding  party members hostage?

4. No one wants to be the guy who puts the last nail in the Clintons campaign coffin.


Why should we put up with this blatant political blackmail extortion?

Having taken the low road to victory in PA, a look ahead and I’m seeing that the Clintons risk being dis-invited, not just from the party – but from the very circles –big biz titans that they court and will need for any future earnings.

Their reputation is already shot. Not worth a pinch of Sh^^t.

We’re being Clintonshafted.