I see Reverend Wright has caused Joe Klein to crap himself. How are you holding up?
Update [2008-4-28 16:1:33 by BooMan]: P.S. You didn’t believe John McCain when he said he was going to stay on the high road, did you?
I see Reverend Wright has caused Joe Klein to crap himself. How are you holding up?
Update [2008-4-28 16:1:33 by BooMan]: P.S. You didn’t believe John McCain when he said he was going to stay on the high road, did you?
You looking for a dictionary?
He must be trying to enlarge the vocabulary of his, umm, many readers. < cough, cough >
he does elicit the snarkiest comments in the biz.
the Kleins are why we’re in the state of affairs we’re at. Guess Klein has not listened to Christian talk radio aired on short wave from Colorado, Indiana and Tennessee.
At least the Reverend has thrown Obama under the bus….but that won’t matter to bubbleheads and so named pundits. …Wright remains Obama’s Pastor even though he has retired.
I want this to be over.
I’ve given up thinking they’ll get around to issues – like 18.6 million homes stand empty from foreclosures. Where have all these families moved to? Another 30 million to go. That’s a whole lotta people.
Jeremiah Wright Delivers the Knockout Punch
than Obama, even North Carolina looks like a toss-up, Indiana’s moving towards the b*tch, Obama’s appeared on Faux Noise…gods below and above, I want this to be OVAH. I want the bloodletting of my party to stop. I want anyone but this woman to win the nomination.
I think Wright is a catastrophe for Obama. From his NAACP speech (transcript):
He’s saying that African-Americans, by nature, are less capable of learning via logical and analytical methods. Anybody here want to defend that?
If you read the transcript, there were other wild statements. He’s reveling in the attention and not thinking much beyond promoting his own view of the world. I would like to see Obama succeed, but this Wright guy is causing severe problems with the working-class white demographic. He even undercuts Obama’s well-regarded speech on race by implying that Obama was merely distancing himself from Wright for expedient political reasons (which was also what he said during the Moyers interview).
I agree. I thought most of the speech was great in and of itself, but the teaching styles thing–I just don’t buy it. Every child’s learning style is different. Race doesn’t inherently dictate learning styles.
And yeah–he certainly seems to revel in the attention. How the hell does this lead all “news” stories? It’s like he’s the new Britney.
So. Obama has to fight Hillary, Teflon John, wing nuts in general, the media AND his own pastor? Just because I and others want a sane government, sane policies and a sane party?
Well, damn. Going to go write my check now.
I think he’s talking about a euro-centered standard imposed on a supposedly diverse society. That’s certainly been going on for centuries in this country — ask any Native American. There’s a valid point lurking in there, but his attempt to make it was clumsy and a big stretch. To me, it’s a small flaw in an inspiring and truthful speech.
Is it? I just read the transcript, and it looks very solid. Again, he’s not talking about a biological difference in learning styles. When you see the quote in context, instead of as a misleading sound-bite, he’s very clearly talking about a cultural difference in learning styles.
I agree. But I think he failed to make that clear and so gave ammo to crybabies who desperately want to paint him as a racist. To me, he’s brilliant but sloppy — which wouldn’t matter a damn outside the political context he’s been thrust into.
…he’s brilliant but sloppy — which wouldn’t matter a damn outside the political context he’s been thrust into.
And he’s too smart to be this sloppy. I don’t know what kind of game he’s playing, I really don’t know.
He is intelligent, but he is not always smart. He is capable of reading and processing large amounts of info, but seems to stop when he finds the point he wants to make.
Case in point: AIDS. I had a friend INSIST that book he mentioned was the definitive book on AIDS and read it. I found it poorly sourced, speculative, etc. It’s certainly possible that AIDS is a deliberately manufactured disease. But I have yet to see strong evidence to support that. I see weak evidence put into a narrative that leaves much out.
His acceptance of that as truth goes to my point re the lack of conspiracy literacy. People can’t evaluate good evidence of conspiracy from faulty.
I don’t think so. It’s perfectly clear in the original speech. The quote here is heavily edited, trimming out a good deal of important stuff in this preamble and cutting out before it gets to the real meat. For reference, here’s the section of the speech that Quiddity cut those sentences out of:
In context, the meaning of those few distorted sentences is very different, and the structure of the speech is much clearer. He’s presenting the facts first: research back in the ’70s showed that African-American and European-American children learn differently. Then he explains the differences and the problems they caused. The he explains the source of the differences: cultural traditions.
How is that sloppy? Because some of his sentences can be torn out of their context and used to claim that he’s making a racist argument about biology? That’s not sloppy. You can do that with practically anything. The only way to immunize yourself to it is to be too boring to be worth reading or listening to.
I think you’re right. He quite obviously left open — and I’m assuming he did so inadvertently — the possibility of being interpreted as though he was actually speaking in terms of hard-wired racially distinctive biology (apart from developmental psychology). Most people hearing him were not authorities on Dr. Hale’s work or her methodologies, which some scientists consider controversial. Doesn’t mean that much in itself, but that’s all part of the can of worms he’s potentially opening by including these sorts of topics in his speeches. I thought he did well on Moyers, but the Obama campaign must be holding its collective breath every time he gives a big ambitious address.
in other ways other than on Moyers.
I guess this is what my mom was afraid of when my dad wanted to become a minister himself…getting too stuck on himself in public.
Some black blogs say that he’s actually “clowning” for the cameras, and that ain’t good.
That’s how I felt. Even as he was saying this isn’t about me, he was trying to make it all about him. And joking, twice, that he wanted to be Vice President? That wasn’t funny. I cringed, for him.
There’s much he could have said and left it at that. But it was like he wanted to put people down for not seeing how smart he was, and frankly, that’s a really dumb tactic.
I feel sad for Obama. He’ll take another hit for this, and it’s not his fault.
I put myself in for $10 every payday from here to November so I won’t have to remember. It isn’t much but it’s something.
yeah, it’s not helpful. Newsflash: minister has confused ideas about science.
I hope he’s done making public appearances for a while.
Not only that, but Obama is half-white and half-black. Does Wright have an explanation for how half-right/half-left brain Obama got into Harvard? (I’m uncomfortable discussing this stuff, but it’s out there and can’t be avoided.)
And yes, his endorsement of fringe-science (e.g. AIDS virus) makes him look kooky.
There are some rumblings that Wright is trying to upstage Obama because he’s a mere “politician”. Marc Armbinder has some thoughts about the political dynamic (“The Obama campaign knows that Wright is throwing Obama under the bus”).
Considering Wright’s extreme fidelity to (what I would call) “blackness”, it’s possible that Wright looks down on Obama because he’s not pure in that regard (genetically and politically) – especially in the wake of Obama’s well-regarded ‘race speech’ that spoke of reconciliation.
PRACTICAL POLITICS: Were Wright’s appearances before the NAACP and National Press Club captured on video? If all we have are transcripts, then the damage can be contained. Or are we about to witness another round of ‘viral’ YouTube clips of Wright?
It would be different if Obama, like my sister, was born ambidextrous and then later became left-handed.
If you reeeeeaaaally want to get scientific about it all…
He doesn’t, actually. RTFT. He’s not talking biology, he’s talking culture.
When he mentioned that book on AIDS, he’s referring to biology, disastrously.
Heh. That much is true, at least. But he didn’t do that in this speech.
He did that in today’s speech. I heard it live.
… Wow. What exactly did he say? Was he still pushing that “the government made AIDS” line, or was it something else?
Yeah. He cited the book – I forget the author’s name. He was saying see, I’m not making this up, I read it in a book. But as I said, I do not find that book credible, so that’s really damaging to Wright’s credibility, to me, and certainly to others who have not even seen the book and disbelieve that outright.
he plays basketball – Indiana (HT: Yglesias)
Basketball fans, how did he do?
Nice sound-bite. RTFT:
The researcher he cites may well be right. I haven’t memorized the details of the studies, but given the well-documented effects of sexist teaching practices on the number of women in technical and scientific fields, culture almost certainly has a strong impact on learning styles.
In fact, if you read the entire speech, not just an out-of-context sound bite, it’s transparently obvious that he’s talking about culture. He’s not talking about biological differences, he’s talking about cultural differences, and how they impact the lives of ordinary people, and how racists have used “blacks have a different culture” to claim “blacks are biologically inferior”.
Wright is not Obama, he’s not Obama’s spokesperson, he’s a preacher. He is not an issue. If Americans buy into this media crap, we’ll get what we deserve. As far as I’m concerned, there’s much more Wright has said that is true than what 100 politicians have said. Is everybody now supposed to just shut up because somebody they know might run for office some day?
Wright is a smart, insightful preacher doing what preachers are supposed to do: make moral pronouncements in dramatic form, rip the curtain away from all the comfortable drek that are the politician’s stock in trade. I think Wright performed a necessary service for Obama by finally pointing to the racial elephant in the room. It had to be done, and Obama turned it into gold. If the con-job soundbites do their work and wreck Obama’s chances, well, god damn America — we had our chance to quit acting like 6-year-olds. If we don’t want to grow up we’ll pay the price. It’s really that simple.
Wright is not Obama, he’s not Obama’s spokesperson, he’s a preacher. He is not an issue. If Americans buy into this media crap, we’ll get what we deserve.
We deserve what we get. Or they deserve what they get. It’s just all-around idiocy:
*I have yet to understand why some white wingnut minister can say something 1000 times worse, and no one cares, but Dr. Wright gets goo-gobs of attention.
*The so-called “New Black Panther Party” was in the audience at the press club? OMG, a bunch of loud-mouth posers if ever there were posers.
*Of course, whatever would we do without “balance”? So here comes all the Black so-called conservative handkerchief head preachers are out there grinnin’ and skinnin’ for their 15 minutes.
This is a freak show. Jesus, can you come now please? We could use an intervention!
I just wish the good Reverend gets it out of his system. This. Does. Not. Help. I swear, I have a headache.
Why do certain people in this country not want an intelligent, non-craven president??
Rhetorical question, I know. But dammit, Costco is fucking rationing rice, and these stupid fucking people are caught up in some bullshit over who someone else might know? Damn, then half the damned Congress should resign.
OK. I have work to do.
Like it or not, there are those who will never, ever vote for Obama and Rev. Wright is the straw man…used to hide the fact that racism of the 1950-60s are still with us.
Next we’ll hear that Pastor Haggee should run for the presidency with Rev. Wright as his VP.
I wouldn’t be surprised because that’s what America has become. Let’s talk about the starving in China not about the hungry stomachs within our borders or the homeless b/c we’re still the richest greatest nation on earth and all we need are flag lapel pins.
The war, cheered by the media, has gone stale in the 24-hr news cycle so we need a new distraction.
Agreed–but Wright’s feeding into this, too. What gives? The Moyers interview–well, OK. He helped mend Moyers’ old boss.
But all of this? It’s just feeding into a whole lot of bunk, and it’s making a tough job even harder.
It’s just been weeks of crap lately, and it’s tiring.
I see this from a different angle . Wright has thrown Obama under the bus…distancing himself…
But no matter what, if Wright had crawled under a rock, McCain and adoring media are making sure the good Rev. does not go away. The Clintons are happy.
It’s up to Americans to move on, not to sit and dissect Wright’s sermons or clarifications. We’re being distracted, falling into the trap that’s been laid…to demoralize, kill off the enthusiasm for Obama.
What the shit does it add to the credentials of the guy if he attended the church of Eugene Robinson?
It’s all white noise…and yes it’s tiring.
Let’s focus on the prize.
With Bingaman Endorsement, Obama Takes Senate Support Lead
OK, so I’m feeling particularly not amused today. Must be the rain.
But you know, I’m just sick of this. I don’t know which Obama I’m seeing or hearing. One day, he’s too wimpy. The next day, too elitist. The day after that, not enough seasoning. Next, he’s an ABM by association. Then he’s too cerebral and professorial. Too Black. Not Black enough. Exotic. Typical. New politics. Chicago politician.
Have I missed anything?
Damn this stupid media! They have more personalities than Sybil and Hillary times 10! Just admit that his skin color is freaking you the fuck out so we can move on already.
Then his pastor decides to throw gas on the fire, and every other religious crackpot with black skin comes crawling out of the sewer. He’s down by nine in Indiana, according to a Rasmussen poll.
And on something completely unrelated: I am so fucking sick and tired of Timmy and every other reporter referring to Majority Whip Clyburn as a “black congressman” or as an “influential black congressman from SC.” I’m done! He is the Majority Whip. Number flippin three in the House of the Representatives. Address him as such! Said media would identify Steny as the flippin Majority Leader and not “an influential (need I even say “white”) congressman from Maryland” even if he was talking local issues. And I oughta know, ‘cuz I live here.
It’s a good thing that Obama has a calm that’s heaven sent. I don’t know how he does it.
But good news about Bingaman,though. That’s something. I’m just in a very not-good place right now. I’m downright pissy. And I wish certain people would stop making bad shit worse.
I’m pissy because of the rain and the news cycle, too.
This is going to be much tougher than it should be.
“Have I missed anything?”
He is a Marxist! He’s a Muslim. A crack head.
Oh yeah! Muslim madrassa-educated Manchurian candidate with strict orders from Osama bin Laden.
How could I forget????
Yes, he was sent by bin Laden to turn all the little suburban white girls into hos, right after he puts Farrakhan on the dollar. We can run with this. Islamic terrorist and gangsta-rapping black nationalist. Did I get all the big themes in there?
Our press is so stupid.
This is one of the reasons Clinton’s campaign is still alive. They’ve been very good at manufacturing the news for the next cycle.
Obama’s team needs to not just make errors – they need to set the news for the day. Have something planned EVERY DAY to be ‘the’ news item of the day.
It’s like they have to publish their own front page story of the New York Times EVERY DAY. But if they don’t, someone else will put up a headline, and they won’t like it.
I disagree. Clinton’s team is horrible at it, just like they’re horrible at everything else. The reason it looks like they’re good is because the MSM is rooting for them, and has been from the start. They want to narrate a Clinton VS McCain match in November, with the Clintons getting defeated once and for all by the Straight Shooter.
Maybe our intrepid “journalists” will finally get bored enough to do their jobs and track down who spent hours searching through sermon videos, cutting them into propaganda loops, and placing them on the Net and in the media. Seems like a big investigative story to me, but not to our pampered motormouths.
Just about everything I’ve read or seen on TV today on this issue seems like a major over-reaction to me. And that’s good, in my view. People are screeching right and left about how this is so bad for Obama. I’m glad it’s getting all the pent-up emotion about Rev Wright (that we all know still exists) out of the way.
Rev Wright will get to define himself as the larger-than-life character that he really is. We will all wake up with a Wright hangover in a day or so and most people in the media and in general will hopefully be thinking “Hey, these two guys are nothing like each other – and the media was dead wrong with the caricature they tried to foist upon us of Wright.” And we’ll all be able to move along – Turn the page.
Then Wright is sort of old news. No one will get away with using it as ammo anymore.
I hope I’m right. But I don’t care because Obama has all but wrapped this primary thing up. Hopefully Hillary will go away soon and we’ll be able to get on with things.
Besides, isn’t it nice to have a couple days off from Hillary’s daily below-the-belt attack/victim stories? In fact, she’s getting almost no airtime lately – nor is McCain.
I agree. This is good, timing wise. By the time this comes up in the general even the racists will groan and change the channel. At some point, it’s just too redundant.
Read an article that explains how the psychological theory of “cross-race recognition deficit” may be exacerbating the indelible linkage of Jeremiah Wright’s views to Barack Obama…here:
That was an interesting post that really got me thinking.
Keeping in mind that Rev Wright’s media tour is a carefully crafted PR effort (independent of the Obama campaign) and its planners know they’re trying to overcome a subconscious prejudice in average white Americans (lumping of race and/or religion,) wouldn’t it be sensible to assume that all of the scripts are carefully written by PR/linguistics professionals? I say this because in the two speeches, I felt that Rev Wright was trying to teach us all (mostly the white folks) a lesson in differentiating one thing we may not be so familiar with from another thing we are also not familiar with. How he would repeat themes “different is not deficient,” and “Arabic is a language, it’s not a religion. Barack Hussein Obama. Barack Hussein Obama. Barack Hussein Obama,” “pastor is not politician, politician is not pastor,” etc.
Of course it was all done at a time when they knew the media couldn’t resist but cover it over and over and over, providing maximum exposure of Wright’s face, voice, gestures and of course his lesson plan, allowing the idea to settle in that Obama and Wright are mutually exclusive people with little in common. And maybe also that because Obama’s full name associates in our minds with Muslim people, it doesn’t mean that he is.
Meanwhile we’d get to see our moron media “analysts” go out and make fools of themselves by analyzing this as a political message of the Obama campaign, when really it is a separate PR effort designed to teach us to differentiate between Obama, Wright, Farakhan, etc. and also between arabic sounding names and Islam – all at a much lower level in our ignorant-white-American minds.
Just as the original attack (the snippets of offensive passages from perfectly reasonable sermons, played over and over and over) was a deliberately planned PR/propaganda effort by the other side, (designed to exploit our fears and prejudices) this was an equally sophisticated effort to help us reject the false associations created in the first one, once it settles in.
Over the years of Rove and Luntz, I have been training myself to identify when someone’s trying to mess with our heads in this way, and I felt it through the whole Wright episode (a carefully crafted GOP PR campaign) we’ve been living for 6 weeks or so. I am noticing that the types of political operatives who study this stuff (especially the GOP ones) are uncomfortable because they recognize what’s being done here and they’re out shouting that “this is going to damage Obama! Stop listening to Rev Wright! Make him go away!” And then they go on to remind us of the buzz-phrases they planted in our heads in the initial PR effort (chickens coming home to roost, God damn America, etc.) I guess that’s why I’m hoping this will get the most exposure it can until we’re sick of it.
I saw the origin of the Wright smear on NQ and TM.
Today, Clinton had the NERVE to come out today to say it was regrettable that the republicans are using this!
This too shall pass. I agree with the Rev. Wendell Anthony.