Last night MSNBC (including Keith Olbermann) was all over Jeremiah Wright for going on a book tour and — gasp! — daring to criticize Barack Obama. Reading today’s hate-fueled rant on the web site, you’d think he had done something wrong. Why? Why shouldn’t the man who was publicly tossed overboard by his former parishioner return the favor?
Reading Kevin Alexander Gray’s assessment of the speech in which the Democratic candidate for president distanced himself from the man who presided over his marriage and baptized his children, I couldn’t help but conclude that Wright had been thrown under the proverbial speeding bus by Obama — who apparently decided long ago to adopt Bill Cosby’s out-of-touch, blame-the-victim rhetoric (an observation echoed by Adolph Reed, Jr., in the May issue of The Progressive).
“His political repertoire,” writes Reed, “has always included the repugnant stratagem of using connection with Black audiences in exactly the same way Bill Clinton did — i.e., getting props for both emoting with the Black crowd and talking through them to affirm a victim-blaming, ‘tough love’ message that focuses on alleged behavioral pathologies in poor Black communities.” Reed blasts Obama for going “beyond Clinton and rehears[ing] the scurrilous and ridiculous sort of narrative Bill Cosby has made famous.”
Gray pointed out in his April 2, 2008 Progressive online column:
Until the controversy broke about his ties to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama himself frequently played the race card — on black people.
Shortly before the Texas and Ohio primaries, Obama was speaking to a mostly black audience and said, “I know some of ya’ll, you got that cold Popeye’s out for breakfast. I know. That’s why ya’ll laughing. … You can’t do that. Children have to have proper nutrition.”
In South Carolina, he told the state Legislative Black Caucus that a good economic development plan in the black community would be “cleaning up the garbage.”
Now, if white politicians had said these things they would have been pummeled.
And even in his much-heralded speech, Obama went out of his way to criticize welfare, decry “the erosion of black families” and stress the need for black fathers to spend more time with their kids.
This Bill Cosby routine goes down well with white voters, but it further stigmatizes blacks.
Obama managed to weasel his way out of trouble a month ago by dissing his former pastor as a bitter relic of a bygone era. So who can blame Jeremiah Wright when he goes on the talk circuit to defend himself and retaliate against his betrayer? For truly, did Obama not merely use his former pastor’s church as a means of establishing ties to a community whose political backing he wanted to strengthen his career (writers at Black Agenda Report and The New Republic certainly seem to think so)?
The point here is not to criticize Barack Obama so much as it is to defend Jeremiah Wright as he gives back what he received. The danger of dismissing him as an angry, bitter old man whose message is equally ignorable lies in continuing the cycle of racism in this country, and the suppression of very real issues pertaining to U.S. foreign and domestic policy.
The fact is that not only was Wright betrayed, so too was the whole of the Black community, and the legitimate criticisms of imperialist policy that have wrought suffering and devastation upon others. We may disagree with the reverend’s delivery, but we cannot deny that the attacks of September 11, 2001 were a direct consequence of our country’s meddling in Middle Eastern affairs that resulted in mass death and political oppression in the region. Nor can we deny that our nation was built on the backs of African slaves, and the genocide of the aboriginal peoples of this continent. The indignation over Jeremiah Wright’s fiery rhetoric clouds the truths contained in his diatribes.
So let’s cut the man some slack. He may not be the sort of person we’d prefer to point out these truths, his method of delivery far too blunt for our comfort. But sometimes we need that in order to face up to unpleasant facts about ourselves and our nation’s history. We should consider that Mr. Wright may be justified in going public with his side of the story, with his criticisms.
If that happens to hurt Barack Obama’s presidential campaign, whose fault is that?
“he fact is that not only was Wright betrayed, so too was the whole of the Black community,”
Seriously, cry me a fucking big river.
I just don’t give a flying fuck about the black community. The black community is not running for president. The black community, whatever the fuck that racist idea is (as if there is one black community – what an INCREDIBLY racist statement), is one thing.
Obama is running. Wright is not running. Wright should sit down and contemplate his naval or write his sermons into a book.
Most importantly, he should take his STUPID SELF-CAUSED grievances and SHUT THE FUCK UP.
dnA at Too Sense nails it.
Wright needs to bounce
At least you’re honest enough to admit you don’t give a shit about the Black community. Not that this absolves you of apathy toward a sizable percentage of the American population, mind you. But I give credit for those honest enough to admit they’re a-holes.
Here’s why you should care about the Black community: it’s part of the larger, American community, and when one part of our country fails so do we all. When a segment of the population is kept in poverty disproportionate to the rest of the community at large, that is a failure of our society as a whole. We sink or swim together.
You need to learn why this is important, and that while you may not “give a flying fuck about the black community”, the Black community does. And it deserves as much representation and justice in government as the rest of us.
A thousand 4s to you for this comment.
is that it is apart from the American community.
One reason why a lot of white guys like me like Obama is that he is not black. He is a competent guy who happens, somehow, to be black. The black comes last, just like for me, where my eastern-european background comes last.
And, yes, I don’t give a flying fuck about the black community. Jeremiah Wright, that spectacular failed racist piece of shit, should go home and care for his own community. I do my community, he should do his.
If Obama becomes a black man, he LOSES. if he stays non-black, and merely competent, he might win. I REFUSE to allow him to become only black.
while in college, I got trapped into one of those crappy stupid white guilt conversations. I refuse to do that again. I don’t have any white guilt, and won’t admit to any.
In fact, I refuse to admit that competent guys like Obama are black. If we reduce him to “black” (the Clinton strategy), he will lose the primary and the election. If we ignore the black, he wins, maybe.
That’s the treason of Wright. He is trying to reduce Obama to being black. Obama must resist this, and hopefully, dump on Wright in a serious way to separate the failed poison of Wright and his old racist ideas of the world from Obama and his post-racial world.
Personally, I don’t think you give a shit about the Democratic party. I think you’re here to sow dissent.
So far, in all your posts, you’ve yet to have proven me wrong.
Dissent is a bad thing? Since when? And who appointed YOU the arbiter of what should and should not be posted here? Grow up.
I never said anything about dissent. I just don’t believe you are a Democrat.
My voter registration card says otherwise. I’m not a robot. I know, it’s a lot to take in. Sit down, grab a glass of water, let your mind roll that around for a bit.
no such thing as a black community? Really? I guess those of us in mythical minority groups are only imagining that the system is set up to oppress certain groups.
because it boils all blacks down to a single group.
Which they ain’t.
There is not a hispanic community. There is, arguably, a cuban community in Miami, but all other hispanic communities are very different. Guatamalans, mexicans, costa ricans, and actual spanish natives are all as different as anything possible.
Same with the black “community”. There may be local communities in some areas, but no, the national black community is a racist myth.
compassion and ability to understand another’s viewpoint and experiences is totally underwhelming.
It must be wonderful to be so all knowing about things you have never experienced.
yep, and by sticking his fingers in his ears and pretending that these problems don’t exist only perpetuate them into the future. Back to lurking.
should read my comment.
I really honest to god have no idea what you are talking about.
have made that perfectly clear. You don’t understand.
spare me. SPARE ME. The ARROGANCE and NARCISSISM and TOTAL SELF-ABSORBTION of this stupid, stupid man are beyond all belief. Yes, he has been misquoted. Well, SO FUCKING WHAT!
Every time he opens his mouth, 10 more votes for Hillary are recorded. And, more importantly, every time he says something, more and more and more people get the impression that “Jeremiah Wright is a total idiot.”
We as the citizens of this nation get over the myth that America is perfect and everything we do or ever have done is justified nonsense, things like the current BS over Rev Wright will continue.
There have been some very good intentions from our young country and there have been some horrendously awful and bloody actions by our country. Get over it. America has never been perfect and we are certainly far from it at the present. I think many of us mean well, but we, as a nation, will justify anything to do what we want.
I would like to see the day that our real History is taught in schools and admitted to by everyone. There is enough shame there to keep us from ever pointing fingers at anyone else.
It is great to be idealistic, but it is far more honorable to be honest.
Gingrich: Wright May Be Deliberately Trying to Hurt Obama
That’s how it’s seen and not just Newt. Rush Limbaugh agrees! Too Sense agrees.
Wright knew what he was doing. This press trick was ORGANIZED by a Hillary Clinton supporter.
There’s no basis to defend Wright this time around. Wright had plenty defending him – whites and blacks -on the get go, first time airing of his sermons.
Wright needs to STFU. He has betrayed Obama.
I think that everything that Obama and Wright have said about each other is fine. I guess that makes me the exception around here.
Wright said that he is a pastor and Wright is a politician, so that they have different agendas. Makes sense to me.
The only thing that bothered me in this whole affair is how the white, corporate media (including Olberman) has gone after Wright, when everything I have heard him say was absolutely correct.
I thought Obama’s first statement over the weekend was fine: Wright doesn’t speak for me. I think his further distancing is problematic, not only for what he said, but for how, as a longer statement, it can be mined for soundbites by the media and distorted. For example, Obama’s comment about Wright’s words about Farrakhan, 9/11 and AIDS being disgusting have been shortened by the media to all of Wright’s words being disgusting. Coming after Wright’s comments earlier in the weekend about the attacks on him really being on the Black Church, I don’t see how Obama’s throwing Wright under the bus will go over well in Black Churches (and frankly looks likes he’s pandering to the prejudices of some white people).
I still like Obama better than Billary; but I’m disappointed in the way that he’s handled this.
I was really disappointed by those remarks of Obama’s too, but I can’t hold them against him, since they seem to have gotten the media off his back, for the time being at least.
Obviously, pandering to the prejudices of white people is exactly what Obama was doing, but I hope that black voters will understand that he was basically forced to do so by the media, whose brazenly racist coverage of this “story” surprised me.
Unabashed white racism has made a comeback under Bush, as have all the worst American traits.
than was Obama.
Wright is using Obama to sell his books, and he is using Obama in a more nefarious way: Obama’s success is a direct threat to Wright. Wright is selling the old racist idea that the black people are oppressed by the race of Crackers.
If Obama succeeds, Wright’s entire life is for nothing. So Wright must tear Obama down, because Obama is succeeding.
There’s a good piece today about the significance of Obama’s remarks of yesterday:
Obama’s `Race Neutral’ Strategy Unravels of its Own Contradictions
What BIAS in that source, which is an OLD-LINE RACIST blog in and of itself. It is a blog FULLY ALIGNED with Wright and his old racist ideas of black oppression.
Why did you put out such a crappy reference while concealing its name? Obviously you are biased yourself.
Obama is post-racial because he owes nothing to those old racist guys like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. If he succeeds, it will be due to the opportunities afforded him, TRUE. But he is post those battles.
That’s why white guys like me appreciate him.
In this country, it is the whites who have repressed the blacks, so, since I am against repression, I’ll take the black “racist” over a white racist like you any day.
I’m white, and, perhaps because I am a first-generation American, I don’t feel “white guilt”. But perhaps precisely for that reason, I understand that everything Wright has said of late is objectively true, that is, it is true for both blacks and whites. But those whites who are racists deny the truth.
I am not interested in wallowing in white guilt. I did all that years ago, and that is behind me.
I am not interested in a racist black politician like Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton. I am not interested in any racism at all, since it is not where we are going. If you believe that a politician is running to fix racism, you yourself are a racist. Obama is not running to fix racism. He is running to be the President of the United States, not the president of Resentful Black People.
If he runs to be the President of the United States, he might win. If he runs as a Black guy, he loses, straight-away.
I don’t want a black guy to be president. That’s why I support Obama. he is not a black guy. he is a guy who is black. The black is second or third or maybe not even that high. That’s what Americans want.
I am eastern-european-german on my mother’s side. That is not who I am, that is my ancestry. I do things, some well. That is my qualifications.
That is what Wright and the racist blacks want. They want a resentful whining black guy. Not me. I don’t want to HEAR one word about Black oppression or any of that crap. I want to hear about ending the war in Iraq.
If he runs to be the President of the United States, he might win. If he runs as a Black guy, he loses, straight-away.
The response of the corporate media to Wright’s remarks, which amount to nothing more than common sense—and not “resentful whining”, as you claim—prove that beyond a doubt.
You say that Obama “is a guy who is black”. That’s not true: he’s only half black and, what’s more, ironically he gets his black American culture from his white mother. Europeans find American’s thinking Obama is “black” to be crazy. The widely accepted view that Obama is black, as opposed to “half-black”, shows that the racist one-drop rule is alive and well in America.