Oh God, please let this be true:
The latest Evans-Novak Political Report says that “a rumor running through the political community” now puts former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) in the lead to be Sen. John McCain’s vice presidential candidate. “But Romney has many critics in the McCain inner circle, and we don’t think the decision has been made.”
There is also speculation McCain could name his veep early “to step up fund-raising before the national convention.”
It can’t be true. Can it?
One can only hope heh?
to say it, then it must be true, right?
(Oh, man. Say it IS so…)
Special undies and the Grampa effect.
I thought those two hated each other..
Much like Ebola is better than cancer, Romney is better than Joe Fuckin’ Lieberman.
There is also speculation McCain could name his veep early “to step up fund-raising before the national convention.”
that is a sign his fundraising is in trouble. The money men know the next Pres will be a Dem and are now deciding who they prefer
Maybe McSame will pick Mittens so Mittens will fund the campaign, for the same reason McSame might pick Bloomberg
Mitt has been campaigning for the spot. Openly.
I have always suspected that Mitt would be the choice.
I have learned lately to never underestimate the superficiality of the American electorate. Nor the republican pandering to that superficiality. McCain is one UGLY dood. He is repulsive. He is the walking talking embodiment of the old saying; ‘beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes all the way to the bone’.
It makes sense that they would pick Romney to ‘pretty up’ the ticket. They need disparately to appeal to women. I believe that THEY believe that Clinton getting more support from women than Obama means they can pick up those women. In their fevered, perverted little minds that would mean a pretty boy. Because we all know the women go for the studs, right? (they think) We all know women are to stupid to look at issues, right? (they think)
It makes a certain kind of sense. All they need is white women to win.
And I will not say they are wrong. Not with recent electoral history.
Mitt beefs up Mccain’s lack of credentials on the economy.
TPM posted a FOX poll that showed Obama and Clinton tied with McCain head to head, but Obama/Clinton ahead of McCain/Romney 47-41.
Don’t know if that’s from a “unity” ticket or a Romney drag on McCain or both.
I don’t know if it’s true but many Republicans in my office have been predicting it for a number of weeks. Because he has $$$$$$.
It would be a godsend here.
The biggest problem for a Dem in Missouri is Southern Missouri – they hate Hillary and they tend to be racist. But they also are very conservative Southern Baptist – so if it’s a McCain Romney ticket they may just throw up their hands and stay home. Oh please.
novakula?…c’mon…does anyone really believe this?
is mitt’s ego so big that he’s ready to bankroll a campaign with st john?…given the ongoing revelations of the wacko mormon sect in texas, along with mitt’s vacuousness, and all the other downsides, this would be political suicide.
l don’t believe it for a NY minute…smokescreen b.s.
Hold on a second. Romney is a mainstream Salt Lake Mormon. The FLDS that’ve been in the news lately are a breakaway denomination that haven’t been affiliated wth the Utah church since 1930 (so says Wikipedia). Whether that’s clear to the average viewer of TV cable news, I don’t know, but it’s a big difference.
Romney’s bigest problem isn’t that people will equate him with the polygamist wackos of Texas. It’s that the Christianists McCain is trying to court through his association with people like John Hagee wouldn’t have voted for Romney for President because they don’t want a Mormon in the White House, and they won’t vote for McCain for President if Romney is on the ticket. They know the odds of McCain living out his term and won’t want to take the chance.
Romney wouldn’t even help McCain in the Mountain West. He wouldn’t have any appreciable effect in Colorado, and states with large Mormon populations like Utah, Idaho and Arizona are going to vote for McCain anyway.
So you’re right, it’s smokescreen BS, just for a different reason.
…/”to the average viewer of TV cable [faux] news…”/mormon’s is mormon’s
these people don’t care about history, nor will they differentiate it when it becomes an issue…they’ll destroy him.
we’re in agreement, you just phrased it more politely.