Via email:
Statement of John Podesta, Board Member of Women’s Voices, Women Vote
Women’s Voices. Women Vote has a strong record of registering disenfranchised people so that they can participate in the political process. As a board member, I was aware of the general parameters of the group’s voter registration program, but not the details of its execution. With respect to the calls and mailings made in North Carolina, I understand that remedial action is being undertaken. I agree with fellow board member William McNary that the North Carolina state calling program was a mistake of judgment and execution, and not an attempt to disenfranchise voters, and have been assured by Page Gardner, President of WVWV, that the organization will conduct a full and prompt accounting of the circumstances of the voter registration program for its board of directors.
This follows the statements of board members Mike Lux and William McNary, both supporters of Barack Obama. Lux says he is ‘gathering facts’ while McNary assures us that while ‘[t]here may have been mistakes made in this particular registration drive in North Carolina’ there was no malicious intent. This all fits a basic pattern. They are trying to isolate the problem as specific to North Carolina. If they continue to take this legalistic position they will quickly lose all credibility.
As Progressive South, who broke this story, says this morning:
* Our report documents that, in at least 10 other states — Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Ohio, Virginia and Wisconsin — Women’s Voices has drawn condemnation from election officials and voters. The group has been accused of misrepresenting election law, using secretive and dishonest tactics and generating widespread confusion among voters — again, threatening to dampen voter participation.
* The role Women’s Voices has played in the Virginia and North Carolina primaries has been especially disruptive. In both cases, they launched deceptive robo-calls — some apparently targeting African-American zip codes — just before major primaries, leading residents to think they weren’t registered to vote.
There is a pattern of behavior that needs to be explained and it is by no means confined to the Lamont Williams campaign in North Carolina. If Podesta, Lux, McNary, and WVWV President Page Gardner think they can quarantine this inquiry off from anything outside of North Carolina, they had better look at the comment threads this controversy is generating.
Now, I fully understand their position, as expressed by Podesta.
As a board member, I was aware of the general parameters of the group’s voter registration program, but not the details of its execution.
Their situation is complicated by the criminal investigation, but their primary focus must be getting to the bottom of a pattern of behavior extending over several months and involving ten states. They should not be vouching for anyone’s character or assuring us that nothing untoward took place. We know something untoward took place. We can listen to the tape and read the legal statutes and multiple complaints from state after state.
It does no good to tell us that you have known someone for 16 years and that they are a good person. This is your credibility on the line. When Bill Clinton’s former chief of staff and Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager are involved, nothing short of a full explanation of methods and timelines in all tens states will do.
I understand that everyone is now following legal advice. If at all possible, keep in mind that it isn’t only the Attorney General of North Carolina that wants voluntary cooperation.
What jumps out about WVWV is statements like McNary’s about his extensive background, history and knowledge of the election system in this country. Tag onto that the experience Page herself listed and the talking point excuses Page is giving in state after state and the credibility is stretched. Sometimes Board members are the last to know. McNary may soon be facing the charge of ‘fool’
I posted here early evening that Clinton and friends were about to face huge embarrassment b/c I found it kinda curious, that intelligent people would make such a huge mistake…don’t they check the calendar or are they robotics? Just asking.
I still hold they need to come real clean given the Clinton connection and the candidate’s bent to win at all costs. (Wright also did good work but one mistake scrubs all that).
Mistakes are aplenty. Mr. Podesta can hold hands with Condi and Mike Chertoff.
as in this other “mistake” – Guilty ’til proven innocent.
see what I mean – another huge overlook: one is painted a terrorist because forty years ago a government, that no longer exist, says so. Freedom fighters have been renamed terrorists.
Maybe soon you’ll be tagged a terrorist if you fail to collect your dog’s poop.
Yes, protecting the “homeland” was always one slippery slope of a propositon.
This whole campaign is breeding factional excitabilty and a mob mentality in certain quarters, it’s true. And I don’t want to see any witch hunts. But this ‘isolated incident’, ‘…a few bad apples…’, ‘I wasn’t/didn’t personally involved in/have direct knowledge of…’ stuff’s not gonna fly, I think. The stink is too heavy on it. As you say, this is a criminal investigation, now. Pretty unfortunate, but terrible things have been done.
Booman as usual YOU are the one of the lone voices of fairness ………
Al Giordano is too, so that make two of you, that I read and respect.
4 more superdelegates for Obama, one of them a defector from Clinton….
Joe Andrew’s looking right past Clinton to McCain, just like we all should be.
suppress the vote, because a large turn-out does not do Hillary any favors. If I was an Obama supporter I would resign from WVWV, because its goal is to hurt Obama.
at The Orange Palace of Daily Kos
WVWV Responds to questions and there’s the Reaction
Stoller is protesting again MORE LOUDLY and whinny … seems very odd….I wonder if you are really on to something Booman…….;jsessionid=407A27364287D638F1E0A73F06BD0B3F?diaryId=5507
I just read AdamB’s post over at Big Orange and I tend to agree with his first conclusion about the board.
I am, however, troubled that there were previous complaints from other states that do not seem to have been dealt with by the Board. It’s possible for a Board not to know everything that is going on in an organization (in fact that’s usual) but it is less probable that they wouldn’t know about things that ended up in the newspapers.
But I don’t think any of this points to a Clinton camp conspiracy. There were Obama supporting board members on that Board – they had just as much responsibility to speak up and see that things were changed as the Clinton supporting board members did.
Maybe some of these boards are no better than corporate boards. Figureheads who don’t do their job.
I sit on two boards, and we take our jobs pretty damned seriously.
In any case, I still don’t accept the excuses due to the multiple cases over a period of time.
I don’t think my post did accept the excuses.
Just to be clear – you think the board is part of a Hillary Clinton conspiracy? Because the point of my comment is that I don’t.
Hard to know. They were either negligent or complicit. Of course the latter is worse than the former, but neither is very good.