On May 1, 2008, Hillary Clinton said:
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) – Presidential hopeful Hillary Rodham Clinton has urged a group of supporters to put their money on Eight Belles, the only filly in Saturday’s Kentucky Derby.
Clinton made her comments Thursday during a brief visit to Louisville to meet with supporters and volunteers.
Eight Belles will be the first filly in the Derby since 1999. Only three have won the race, with Winning Colors the last to do so in 1988.
Sometimes, these suggestions turn out funny.
The filly came in second, broke both forelegs, and was euthanized immediately on the track.
Two broken legs. Two primaries.
Sounds like a bad omen for Tuesday.
“sometimes these suggestions turn out funny”
Nothing like a warm and fuzzy Sunday lovefest from Dataguy. I actually wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out that you harbor secret fantasies about euthanizing Clinton yourself. But somehow I get the feeling you’de pass on the lethal injection for something more humane, like say, a baseball bat.
I read somewhere else that it takes special people to recognize how special Obama is. Well…you’re definetily special…enough.
Hey, don’t blame the messenger, Bub. I didn’t slaughter the bull, I merely am there to read the entrails.
Gosh, we are so techchy this morning. There is a trembling in the Force, and the message is not good for Our Girl, regardless of how Brave and True she is. I know that love conquers all, and you love her to distraction. But….
she’s gonna lose. Tuesday, she will lose NC by double digits, and she will lose IN by 3 pts.
Love is such a strong word. But sure, there’s a woman running for president that has my respect and my vote, if not quite my love, for her straight talk and determination. But I’m reluctant to say more about her here because she’s A) a philly, B) she’s black, and C) she’s not a democrat. Three things sure to cause Dataguy to flop around on the floor like a flounder, blowing spit bubbles.
Afterall, it’s Sunday, and even…let’s say, ambivalent guys like you need a day of rest. Besides, if you went into convulsions and had an aneurism someone might need to euthanize you.
when she decided to whore it up with the gas tax thing.
When you prostitute yourself to save the ignorant morons who you are appealing to 3/fill-up, you have no ability to talk about principle for the rest of your life.
Time and time again, Hillary chooses the short-term prostitution over the long-term principle. She is giving prostitution a bad name with this gas tax thing. But apparently there is NOTHING that she can do which sufficiently debases herself enough to turn off the love of her whacked-out supporters.
It’s just beyond pathetic.
You’re not listening. And you’re showing you’re disrespect for women with the “whore” bullshit. 99% of democrats are whores. They absolutely proved it beyond a doubt with their performance in 2007 after being given a majority because people wanted to believe them when they promised to end the war. Talk about whores. Why single out Clinton? You don’t need to convince me. I ain’t voting for or supporting her. You completely missed what i said. And Obama disgusts me only slightly less than she does. But you won’t here me making analogies about her blowing out both legs and needing to be put down. or that i don’t give a shit about the black community, as you have. Maybe you find that kind of shit amusing, but I don’t. Otherwise you and I have nothing to talk about. We’re from two different worlds. You want to keep shit the same while claiming to be for change by supporting another in a long line of shit talkers who’ve all claimed to be for change.
This immature insult hurling going on between the supporters of these two democrats is an equal opportunity gutter fest. It’s whacked and ugly all over the place. I think everyone who supports democrats needs to come out of their bubbles and get some fresh air. Then again, maybe if you all stay in those bubbles you’ll eventually suffocate each other and make room for the real free thinkers with the courage to fight for the kind of change that’ll actually be tangible to real people, out here in the real world.
Cynthia McKinney is my fresh air. And I can look myself in the mirror, knowing I haven’t compromised my principles.
Time and time again those who support and enable democrats and republicans choose short term prostitution over long term principle. Those are your words. But you aren’t acting on them. If you were for long term principle you wouldn’t keep on voting for these pandering criminals. You’de suck it up and realize that the shit needs to hit the fan for a few more years before enough of you wake up and get some backbone. The backbone needed for the long haul out of the mess we’re in.
And please, whatever you do, don’t say Rome wasn’t built in a day. That seems to be a favorite cop out around here.
clinically insane.
That ludicrous stupidity of hers with the ID nonsense last year should convince anyone that this is one very stupid woman.
And you are telling me that you are going to keep your principles by voting for a moron like McKinney, who is a stalking horse for McCain?
Are you joking?
And please before you castigate me, please ensure that you read carefully. Your snarling rebuttal of points I did not make is not at all clear.
You need to read a little Roman history…
I read carefully. I read spitbubbles.
This may be hard for you to understand, but McCain will be elected free and clear of any assistance. Not that that’ll stop you from blaming his election on McKinney or Nader and those of us who will vote for them.
I really just stopped in here to register my disgust with your dead filly/dead Hillary crap.
Straight talk??? How is lying “straight talk”? Supersoling, I am really shocked to hear you say that.
I can see why anyone would have liked Clinton early in the campaign.
But she has shown herself to be a calculating liar, over and over, and has never even denied being so. I said something things I knew not to be the case, she said in the last debate.
How anyone can support her now, after Tuzla, after her backstabbing lies about Obama and NAFTA, after her shilling for the neocons for bombing Iran, after her kissing up to the same people who tried to bring her husband’s administration down, after pandering in the worst way, risking infrastructure repairs to give the uneducated stupid and temporary and useless gax tax relief?
I’m really shocked that ANYONE still supports her who is paying attention.
But if all you read about Obama is what Hillary’s side puts out, then I guess you would oppose him. But you’d also be admitting to membership in the ‘low information voter’ camp, the only demographic Hillary consistently wins.
Meanwhile, we have a candidate who is not only intelligent but principles, not only articulate but eloquent, not only upstanding but willing to listen to those he opposes. He has a proven record of bringing people together and has done so for many more years, while Clinton remains a divisive figure.
In my calls this weekend, one woman told me openly she was part of “Operation Chaos.” The only reason Hillary has won as many votes as she has has been with the support of Republicans who hope to kill her off in the fall.
I can’t see how my comments are That confusing. One last time…I’m not supporting or voting for Clinton. Nor am I voting for Obama, now that I’ve had more time to feel him out.
Clinton is a liar and Obama has an identity crisis.
The rest of your comment is a campaign press release job. Sorry, but I”m a little tired of the prostheletizing from Obama and his people. Both of them are cut from the same cloth, politically. Their personalities matter little to me. Threats to bomb sovereign countries (Clinton/Iran, Obama/Pakistan) aren’t less destructive because you might have a whiter, brighter smile when you make them.
And just to be clear, I oppose Obama based on who he is. Not because I support Clinton.
One more thing. And this is important for his supporters to understand. You might want to take a long look at the condescending way so many of you toss around the labels at people who, for whatever reason, have decided they can’t or won’t vote for Obama. Low information voters, low education voters, white working class, racists, even the new tendency to put your/themselves upon a pedestal by calling Obama’s supporters the creative class, are, I guarantee you, rubbing a whole lot of intelligent, hardworking, and informed voters the wrong goddamn way. Clinton at least has the sense not to thumb her elitest nose at them. Obama and his supporters have a rude awakening ahead when these people fail to show up for him. And it will be well deserved. You can’t put people in a box like that and then lash out at them when they decide they don’t want the tasty dog snacks that are waved in their faces.
I’m white, and I’m working class. I don’t own guns. I’m an atheist. I love and respect my immigrant co-workers as much or more than the American ones. I may have a short academic resume but I’ve learned a lot more through the experience of my life than any professor could ever teach me. I know a lot of people who walk in my shoes. And we’re all paying close attention, okay. because this country is fucked. Problem is, we don’t see anyone capable or willing to talk directly to us about what we need, or even how we can help by working together. All we get are vague promises of change with no substance to back it up, or sabre rattling tough talk to appease the bloodthirsty.
I’m voting for Cynthia McKinney. She hears me. She talks directly to me. And she’s not afraid to tell the truth. She might not be the next president, but she’ll be my next respected public servant for at least trying to break this pathetic cycle of same old, same old circus clowns that are forced on us every four years.
…and, I’m one creative son of a bitch.
Hey, WHATever, dude.
Just don’t get your knickers in a snit while you’re voting for McCain/McKinney/whatever.
Just remember, a vote for the Green is a vote for war with Iran.
Snit is your middle name…Bub.
Last I heard, all three of your mainstream clowns have made threats against Iran, among other countries. You’ll never hear a Green, a Libertarian, a liberal, or a real progressive (whatever that means), make aggressive threats against countries that can kick our asses just to pander to voters. When McCain is elected and he throws us into our last war, it’ll be you and those like you, who haven’t got the guts or the foresight to make difficult, inevitable changes to the leadership in this country, who’ll be squarely to blame for the losses we’ll all suffer. If blaming those consequences on the courageous people who are at least endeavoring to go in a different direction helps you look yourself in the mirror or to sleep at night then have at it. But don’t get your knickers in a snit when some of us who are less forgiving remind you of your contributions to those results.