I got stung by a hornet on my right-ring finger. So, not too much typing for me for a while. Help me out and do some typing of your own.
Update [2008-5-6 21:13:45 by BooMan]: Just wanna say that Obama needs to make up 50,000 votes from the remainder of Indiana, and he has all of Lake County (Gary), all of Tippecanoe County (Purdue Univ.), almost all of Monroe County (Indiana University), all of Posey County (Evansville), 27% of Marion County (Indianapolis), and 65% of Hamilton Co. (where he’s pulling 61% of the vote) in order to do it. Indiana is going to be close.
Update [2008-5-6 21:36:51 by BooMan]: In 2004, Kerry beat Bush in Lake County, Indiana by 45,000 votes. That’s about exactly how many votes Obama needs to win this thing. I think he will come up about 20,000 votes short, but I’ve got my fingers crossed.
Ouch!! That sucks.
On a dofferent note, I love when Obama wins early. I also love that the talking heads on MSNBC are acknowledging the significance of Obama’s win in NC.
I wish I had some ice cream.
I’d stick my finger in your ice cream.
I’ll have Zesto (our local independent ice cream stand) send some your way. Sprinkles or no?
It looks like a thumpin in North Carolina! I love the cable news bobbleheads have to cross out those Wright cost Obama the election talking points.
CNN had a report earlier today quoting a Clinton insider that she needed to win Indiana and keep her loss in NC within 5 points or think about dropping out.
I highly doubt this scenario of her getting out of the race. I just hope the media can focus on the white voters who actually VOTED for Obama and not those who did not.
I’d like for the media to focus on the Black voters who didn’t vote for Clinton…
I agree. It’s so frustrating to hear them talk about all the white women who went for Clinton and then to essentially ignore the totally lopsided numbers with the black vote. Why is that not important? Even MORE important?
I overheard someone says, “Clinton garnered 6 – 8% of the black vote in North Carolina.” That’s like 17 people. But please let us talk about the bassackward, ignorant white voters who vote for Obama because they still think he may be a Muslim and they don’t want to take a chance, because anything they have to say must be of value. To someone.
The most insulting part is how certain sites (TL, TLC, for ex) dismiss the black vote out of hand. Like it doesn’t count. Sickens me.
And what is this thing with white blue collar workers? Are they suggesting that blue collar workers come in only one color?
I am so disgusted with the media coverage of this race.
Very astute wording. The good thing about this year is that it’s really laid America’s racism problem bare.
It really has laid it bare, and the sense of white entitlement and self-importance has not been pretty to see.
Still a long way to go…
All six of them? 😀
It’s like when Obama won ME and the photo on the front of MSNBCs Politics page was this:
That fool is African. Out of all the people in ME, they had to get a black guy and then they managed to shoot a photo of the 1 African in Maine.
If Obama maintains his current margin in NC, Clinton is in serious trouble. All her mud’s done nothing but buy her opponent a 30% victory. 30%! That’s amazing!
The talking heads on MSNBC are saying that Obama can wrap it up on May 20th, and by that they mean they have guaranteed the majority of the pledged delegates.
Don’t see how Obama could possibly lose the nomination now. Clinton and her southern strategy accomplished nothing, except to destroy her reputation in the party. After her foray into gutter politics, the percentages stayed just about the same for each major demographic group in NC, according to reports — except for the fact that 92% of blacks voted for Obama and turned out in massive numbers to protest the Clintons’ attempt to paint Obama as unelectable.
A good night for Obama’s new politics. He took the high road and won.
North Carolina was to be her game-changer:
I had poison oak a few weeks ago. I sympathize, Boo.
Toobin on CNN says that Hillary is ahead in states with more than three vowels in them.
Looks like Obama’s ahead by 20% in NC, behind by ten in IN, but many of his areas haven’t reported yet. Looks like Clinton will have to trot out a new argument to justify herself tomorrow.
Indiana is gonna be close.
Take care of that finger, Boo. A glass of some kind of whiskey may help.
My suggestions: Groovy Wax or Smooth As Silk plus a teaspoon of honey added to a base of hot Raspberry Leaf tea.
Followed by a boilermaker.
Who won Colorado? Huh? Maybe Tooban can’t count.
I think he was making fun of Hillary supporter’s grasping at straws. But maybe she’s losing with vowels too.
Could be the next HRC argument? A BS October surprise talking point.
Thanks for the link.
You can’t misinterpret Obama’s Reagan comments, throw the kitchen sink at him and increase his teflon rating, and……… karma is a bitch. May the karmic equilibrators deal with the pilonidal cyst on the American body politic. I’m getting tired of these people.
Pat Buchanan is fucking idiot and no one can tell him. I believe he just popped a forehead vein demanding “why?why?why? can’t Obama win Kentucky and West Virginia…?!” Gee, I fucking wonder why?
And is it just me, or is anyone else pissed that “white rural working class voters” are somehow the salt of the earth while the rest of us are just pointless schmucks in the long run?
Because the the meek shall inherit the earth but the hillbillies have inherited the Bluegrass State – they really like their sisters down round here…
“Why aren’t the rednecks voting for the black guy?”
That’s basically what they’re asking.
Someone on CNN said that in general elections that white rural voters don’t vote for any Democrats, so join the crowd.
There was an exit poll in Indiana of Republicans who crossed over. It was something like 52-48 for Clinton, but they mostly said that they were going to vote for Granddad in the fall.
CNN exit polls show that of the 19% of voters in the Democratic Party primary who said they would vote for McCain in the fall, 87% voted for Clinton.
I wanted to add a disclaimer to my previous post, since the exit data don’t yield a clear picture of party-raiding. Another question: Who will you vote for in November shows that the 17% who answered McCain split 41% for Clinton / 58% Obama.
Hard to tell what’s going on based on this.
Pat’s propaganda light goes on every time he speaks, so it’s best to ignore most of his comments, since he’s nearly always saying things just for disinformation purposes.
Well from one schmuck to another, I think we beat the shit out of the rest of them nuts. LOL
This elitist schmuck thanks you for your help in NC!!!
Y’all kicked some butt tonight!
They just said that Hillary just lost a huge chunk of her argument for taking the election away from Obama via SD.
It appears she wrote another check.
But over at TPM, a reader cites a McClatchy story that taking cover under the senate rules, [Hillary Clinton’s disclosures didn’t list $24 million of Bill’s income…
No wonder she gleefully told O’Reilly:
“Rich people. God Bless Us, we deserve all the opportunities…”
Donna just went off on Paul Begala on CNN. It was awesome. Then she just shut up the Republican hack who mentioned Bill Ayers.
Someone just left me a voice message saying Begala said something about America not voting for a black man. Please say it isn’t so. If it IS, can we excommunicate him from the Democratic party?????
Just contact Nuns on the Run of Our Lady of Perpetual Motion with your request. I’m sure they’ve already started a Novena for Election Grace.
Al Gore told NPR he may endorse after the primaries.
John and Elizabeth said they’ll not be endorsing anyone.
I’d like to see Hillary’s staff quit. Just walk away, and leave her standing there alone, whining.
Once her money dries up I suspect we’ll see exactly that. If, however, folks decide to throw good money after bad in the sinkhole that is the Clinton campaign then this campaign will continue to get progressively uglier.
Begala got the last word in and took the GOP hack Alex on his Ayers/Wright comments. He used the LA House race as an example that it is a losing strategy for them. Maybe Paul is getting ready for the general already.
These broken republican policies and the pitiful GOP brand are well over due for examination.
Donna Brazile is my new favorite person. You must watch this clip on Youtube whenever someone uploads it. She called Begala out on his bullshit and same with the CNN’s republican hack.
I was impressed withe her when she did that.
And almost fell over when Begala lit into Alex whatever his name is about the Ayers crap.
harold ford just stuck hillary as vp into the conversation….just beat it to death.
dlc shill
Obama should take over, disband the whole nest of rats.
Harold Ford is a MAJOR SCHMUCK!!!!
Wolf is starting his lets “call it a split decision” and look ahead to the other contest, UGH1
If you have some Benadril around, take some. It will help with the allergic reaction. And soak you hand in warm salty water.
Why the hell does CNN keep cutting the video from Obama’s face to their f’ing horse race?
Because they suck.
I switched to MSNBC – much better. Hell, Faux News – driving by – was better…
Feel better, BooMan!
Hope your boo-boo gets better soon BooMan!
gotta love these numbers:
Clinton 52% Obama 48%
71% reporting.
tonight wipes out PA?
I should read the comments before posting. HA.
Chuck Todd just reported that several areas where Obama should do well haven’t reported yet.
She’s getting crushed.
On C-span, someone from the Cook Political Report, just mention that and said that her lead could totally disappear. Hopefully that will humble her a bit :0)
Hillary intends to continue. The goal posts have been moveded. Again.
Obama now needs 2,209 to win. …she won MI and FL and they need to be included.
NPR just reminded…the big fight will be on May 31 when the DNC Rules and By-Laws Committee meets to thrash out the MI and FL controversy.
You mean her political funeral will be on the 31st?
Can’t wait (Oops, time for her speech, so got to get away from her BS).
Hope the finger you have crossed is not the one with the sting!!! Feel better soon. My hand would be the size of a basketball by now. LOL
Clinton 52%
Obama 48%
Ouch. LOL!
If – and this is a big freakin’ if – if Obama actually wins Indiana then what possible leg does Hillary have to stand on?
None. She’ll be “standing” on a Wurlitzer-powered jet pack.
Booman, mud or dirt is the secret to helping your sting..wet and spread over sting area, wrap with something and leave on till it dries, then wash off, pain and swelling should go right down.
thanks Diane. It’s great to see you around.
I’ve used wet tobacco before I had to rely on Epi-pens.
They also say that toothpaste will take the swelling down.
Watching KO and Tweety talk to Timmeh on MSNBC here, and for once Timmeh actually said something logical, that the onus is now on Clinton to prove how she has a path to the nomination that is, in Timmeh’s words, “honorable” and won’t be viewed as “an effort to destroy Barack Obama”.
Which is basically what we’ve been saying here since, oh, March.
If Timmeh gets it, and even freakin Tweety finally gets it, I think Clinton’s done tonight.
From your fingers to shillary’s hears.
COME ON GARY! This is the first time I have ever cheered for the Indiana Hoosiers and Purdue Boilmakers! Come on Bloomington and W. Lafayette!
no kidding. I think I might actually nail this at a 20,000 vote victory from Clinton. It looks to me like Obama is gonna pick about 10,000 from lake and another seven or so from Purdue, Indiana U., and some other outstanding suburbs. And he’ll lost about 3,000 in three outstanding counties. If all goes as expected, he’ll lose by about 20,000 votes.
MSNBC reported that the polls workers called out for pizza. Long night.
via TPM:
nothing yet from any precints in Lake County, Indiana (Gary) They are counting 11,000 absentee ballots delaying the announcement of vote totals
Sorry about your finger Boo. Workman’s comp.
Good job in NC Second Nature!
I’m taking complete credit.
LOL I am taking some credit as NC is my home state and my 73 year old mom voted for Obama!!!
Lanny Davis is a bitter little man tonight…
I saw Lanny blinking and talking about Michigan and Florida. Ugh.
Don’t put it past him to come up with the October Surprise that Ickes spoke of.
Hillary is about to speak but I wouldn’t if I were her.
She has a lead of 43,000.
I see Obama picking up:
3,000 in Bloomington.
3,000 in West Lafayette.
1,000 in Indianapolis.
1,000 in Hamilton Co.
That puts her at 35,000.
If 125,000 turnout in Lake Co. and Obama gets 68%, he will net 40,000 votes.
that’s why Josh said Obama’s congratulations was premature…
Oooops: take a look at this for what it’s worth:
Breaking a tie? Full speed to the White House?
She’s had too many shots of Canadian Club…or whatever that was she was throwing back
Lake County, Indiana (Gary)reports, hours away – half way through counting 11,370 absentee and early vote ballots:
Missing cartridges?? That means the little removable unit that records the votes. That means the cartridges, when ‘found’ may not represent the votes actually cast.
Something stinks to high heaven there.
The mood looks a little down at HRC camp. just a little! Aw Shucks, Annie Oakley might need some shots tonight.
Brian Williams or Lanny Davis on both MSNBC and CNN at the same time. GOD! Who wants to start a new political channel?
Where the f does she get she has come from behind when she is still losing over all.
…now we know what “Clinton Derangement Syndrome” REALLY means. 🙂
I will not say what I chant when they chant Hil-La-Ry out of respect for the other women I know.
The recommended treatment for bee stings is the application of meat tenderizer, which contains an enzyme called bromelain. A friend of mine who is very allergic to bee stings keeps some with her at all times.
The Wikipedia doesn’t mention this treatment but I absolutely sure of the aforementioned facts.
we broke the tie…maybe…send money!
she needed to make a magnaminous jesture towards uniting the party and the country, instead it’s all about her, and more pandering. l can’t listen any longer.
time to turn it off…hoping gary and purdue puts obama over the top.
Our little county’s results are in:
Clinton 2009
Obama 1991
A nearly perfect 50/50!
Not bad for a lily white rural area in the IN-9th.
I’m gonna try to watch some more, but I have an early meeting tomorrow. Night, y’all.
This is so close…you can’t go to bed yet. 🙂
Oh, alright! Though I’m getting off the computer now and will follow on the CrackBerry.
Don’t be surprised if I fall asleep mid-type!
I’m barely hanging in there too…but I want to see the results so badly!
Hillary’s speech is a meandering, listless mess. And the Hillbots still chant “she she can” entirely missing the point of yes we can.
It seemed that they watched Obama’s speech, did the “oh shit!” dance and changed her speech to match. So there were parts where she sounded like she knew the parts and others where she was stumbling. It was obvious that they added the “you’s” to match Obama’s, but they didn’t work in the flow of the speech. Her speechwriters are always lifting from Obama speeches, and it sounds really disjointed when it’s right after an Obama speech.
OMG, “Governor Easley is a visionary leader”…isn’t he the guy who talked about Hillary’s testicular fortitude last week?
Nice mention of the need to help the people in Myanmar out, though.
On a brighter note, in Washington County, NC, 50% of the republicans voted no preference. LOL
I guess the republicans couldn’t count. It went from that with 100% votes counted to 79% McCain with 100% of the votes counted. I never could understand Republican math.
Whoever designed those placards should have their fingers cut off and given a restraining order that keeps them 5,000,000 miles away from a computer.
Hillary Clinton just gave the same speech as Barack Obama, only it was like the difference between Jimi Hendrix‘s take on the Star Spangled Banner and Carl Lewis‘ take…
if she has any class she will leave tomorrow
Class from a Clinton? ROTFLMAO!!!
Like school on Saturdays…
Here is the video from the Donna Brazile beat down of Begala this evening that I mentioned earlier.
She is awesome!
Donna Brazile is a goddess!!!!! She smacked Begala down like a flat tennis ball!!!!