Newt Gingrich is sending out the call to the Republicans in Congress: ‘You’re about to get decimated.’ Check out his plan to stave off defeat. What do you think? Somehow I don’t think a GPS air traffic control system, attacks on labor unions, and a reform of the way we do the census is going to be of much help. The Gas Tax holiday and selling some of the strategic petroleum reserve have more potential populist power, but are already seen as counterproductive by nearly all economists. I guess a focus on judges could help shore up their base, but their base is too small. And a campaign to make English the official language of the United States will only underscore how out of touch the Republicans are with the concerns of average Americans.
If I were Gingrich, I’d tell them to adopt environmentalism and run pro-choice religiously moderate, anti-war candidates. Those are the issues that are killing Republicans all over the North and on the coasts. And free trade is killing them everywhere else.
That’s the current perception of the Repukeliscum Party.
Ugh, I’m reminded of that speech in the original Star Wars by Grand Moff Tarkin to Darth Vader about him being the last of the Jedi. Newt, your time is over.
along with his party.
they’ve been newtered
it’s a sad state of affairs when the lizard gingrinch is the only one showing “leadership” <cough>…
Actually I envision the bridge crew of the Spaceball One whenever I picture that meeting.
“I can’t believe it. I’m surrounded by assholes!”
The very best part of his letter is the inevitable “ps: buy my book” line at the end.
Just beautiful. As for the rest, one of these days I’d like to visit the alternate reality where people like Newt Gingrich live. It sounds fascinating.
Not me. I think it’d be like visiting the Shire in the last half of Return of the King after Saruman’s goons had gotten hold of it. Great for them as is running the show, not so great for anyone else.
Hahahahaha . . .
My advice to the Republicans? Keep being Republicans. Right now they’d have a hard time running Abe Lincoln against Obama. They’re like Dick Deadeye in H.M.S. Pinafore. Even the most reasonable-sounding statement coming from a Republican is taken to be an outrage.
That’s one reason why I want this primary to be over, today. The faster we can get united and start attacking the Republicans instead of each other, the faster we can hasten the demise of their decaying brand. The sooner Barack Obama can start deploying those long coattails, the sooner we can start working to secure victories wherever we can get ’em.
OMG. I’d LOVE to be a fly on the wall for the weekly repub conference meeting. I’ll bet the entire sentiment can be summed up like this:
Newt, go straight to hell. There’s a reason we got rid of you in the first place. And if we didn’t buy your previous shitty book, then we’re not buying the next one.
Sorry. Just couldn’t resist.
I read the Gingrich article and I almost puked. He and his party are so out of touch and his formula for Republican recovery is downright ridiculous. As if English as the official language is going to solve anything. Ditto tinkering with the air control system and spending less on the census. Ride on old Newt, right into the valley of political death.
At last, at long last.
In heaven there are no right -to-work laws.
joke “on America” to me. His premise has promise. The repubs are in deep doo doo and keep making more all the time. They have lost some canary in the mine losses that would give a thinking person something to think about. However, the repubs repealed thinking long ago. They are now running on their gut (which may have something to do with the rising…never mind!)
There wasn’t one piece of his so-called platform that would aid Americans one whit. But then, neither did his first one.