Crossposted from MY LEFT WING

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Context is important

And the media’s deliberate use of the isolation mike changed the context.  Their failure to explain why you don’t hear any crowd noise in the clip [of the “Dean Scream”] is deceptive.

— Paul in San Francisco

It’s not that [the “Dean Scream”] was

tampered with. It’s that Dean was speaking into an isolation microphone so that his audio could be picked up without the background noise. In actuality, he had to scream to be heard because the ambient noise was so great.

But to know that, you had to either be in the room or listening to a different audio track that took in more of the room.

— Curmudgette

OR, you know, be able to trust the information  supplied by the national media covering the event would be thorough and honest. (And yes, the mere broadcast of something like Dean’s Iowa appearance is, in itself, “information” — though without context provided by people who were actually there, it was, indeed, MISinformation.)

Honest, of course, it was not. The lack of context and explanation was a lie of omission — and quickly upgraded to an ACTUAL lie when supplemented by the ceaseless media chatter about “the Dean Scream” and how “unhinged” Dean appeared to be.

I do not ascribe to the corporate media any conspiratorial agreement with the right wing attack machine (except, of course, Fox “News,” which consistently proves itself a conspirator in that vast right wing conspiracy); however, in their venality and breathlessly rapacious quest for ratings and drama, it is self-fucking-evident that the vast majority of corporate media entities COLLUDE with that attack mach on a regular basis.

Whether that collusion is intentional on the part of individuals or executives or producers is largely irrelevant in the face of the results: Spoon-fed the fatal narrative and blinded by tunnel vision resulting from their aforementioned venality and hunger for ratings, the corporate media consistently aids and abets the right wing attack machine in tarring its targets with an endless series of propagandistic, biased “stories,” “commentary” and “analyses.”

Moral relativism has its place, in my view. But in cases like these, where the outcome of someone’s actions proves fatal (to a person, place or thing), irrespective of his intent, the outcome trumps the intent when weighing his guilt. Ergo, the corporate media are GUILTY OF COLLUSION, regardless of their individual or collective motives.

Hence my denunciation of the corporate media’s collusion in the relentless “Swiftboating” — begun, escalated and perpetually exacerbated by the right wing attack machine — of Senator Barack Obama in these final months of the Democratic Presidential Primary. Motivated by greed and blind to their own affect and effect, the members of the corporate media who perpetuate manufactured “controversy” over substance — regardless of their intent — are GUILTY OF COLLUSION with the propagandists of the right wing.