Progress Pond

Another Poll Shows Rick Noriega just 4 points behind Box Turtle

This just in from the Rick Noriega Campaign.

Yet another poll shows Rick Noriega just 4 points behind John Cornyn in the race for U.S. Senate.

Today, Research 2000 released a poll with Rick receiving 44% while Cornyn is at 48%. Again, John Cornyn is polling below 50% — a sign of his weakness and vulnerability this fall.

Along with the Rasmussen poll released earlier this week, this poll shows what we’re seeing across Texas: Voters are ready for a change. Rick Noriega is the candidate to deliver this change and beat Cornyn this November.

We have the momentum in this race.

Now we need the resources. We need your help to introduce Rick Noriega, define John Cornyn and get voters to the polls this November. If we can do this, we can win.

Donate at Netroots for Noriega ActBlue Page

To see even more of the poll results , check out TX-Sen: dKos poll confirms close Senate race
This is great news not only for Rick Noriega but for Texas also!!!  Rick Noriega has proven he is a friend to all Texans and is willing to stand up to the bullies in the Ledge and will also stand up to them in Washington.  Rick is what I call a statesman instead of a politician.  He has a set of core values he is unwilling to through away for a vote.  The past 5 sessions in the Texas Legislature he has been a Champion of Equal Rights for All Texans,  He has worked to try and increase funding for teachers and school, he has worked to protect Women’s Rights, and maintain and increase funding for Children on SCHIP.

This is the type of Leader we need in Washington as a Senator from Texas.  We have seen enough of John Cornyn’s give to the rich and screw the poor and middle class.  It is time to have a senator who cares about all Americans.  We also need a Senator who understands what our military are having to put up with as they continue to fight the Bush War for Oil.  Lt. Col. Rick Noriega served in Afghanistan and will work to bring our troops home and stop this senseless war!!!

To help bring real change in Washington, donate at Netroots for Noriega ActBlue Page.  With your help we can have a Real Democratic Majority in the Senate and a True Texas Hero as our Senator!!!

Noriega Express

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