I never watch the Network News anymore, but sometimes I like to see what other people are seeing. Here’s a roundup of tonight’s national news coverage.

ABC: Led with growing certainty of Obama’s nomination. Said Obama erased Clinton’s last real advantage– the superdelegate lead. Clips from Emanuel, Panetta saying race appears over. Kennedy quote saying Clinton should not be VP. Mention that Obama has signaled he may be willing to help settle Clinton’s debt. Stephanopoulos said pressure on Clinton will grow.

CBS: After report on cyclone tragedy, brief political report recapped day’s events. Jeff Greenfield noted growing superdelegate flow to Obama, said no candidate has ever been nominated with so few large-state victories.

NBC: Led with new Myanmar devastation images, turned to Obama’s superdelgate pickups. Said Obama “ignored” Clinton on the stump Friday, mentioned Emanuel on Obama being “presumptive” nominee, Kennedy rejecting possibility of Clinton veep. Showed Clinton fighting on, asked if she’s playing the “race card” with USA Today comments. Reported Obama didn’t rule out helping pay her debt.

That’s a pretty brutal series of stories.