So Booman writes me in a comment on my latest diary So I’m Crazy About the Hillary/VP Idea, Eh? Pt. II-So’s Obama.

Wanna place some money on it, AG?


Read on for the terms and for my reasoning as well.
Want me to bet?

I’m on, but I’m making it a three part setup.

1st bet-I will bet that Hillary Clinton ends up the VP nominee w/Obama. Why? Because she just about tied him in the primaries. This is not a ballgame where one run decides the victor; it’s an election primary where two parties are trying to field a ticket that will bring in the most votes. Duh. Hopefully there are in pros in positions of power…and I do NOT mean Chappaquiddick Ted…who understand the realities of the situation outside of the areas of this country that can be swayed by WAPO and the NY Times. Like…everywhere between the East Coast megalopolis and LA/SF…


plus every voter belonging to every family that does not pull in something substantially in excess of about $80K/year and also does not have a vested interest in seeing a President in office who is not a run-of-the-mill WASP.

2nd bet (Since I am quite sure that Obama is not as prescient as I am and is probably surrounded by deluded, kneejerk anti-Hillary leftiness shmoon who share his own self-image as the Anointed One.)-I will bet that if he does NOT run w/HRC on the ticket the election will go right down to the wire; the Ratpubs will have a good shot at stealing the third one in row if they do not win it outright and if he does win he will not have a solid ruling majority in Congress and will probably be as hamstrung as was Jimmy Carter.

3rd bet-If he does run w/HRC they will win by a landslide…the largest majority since 1964, when Goldwater got his ass handed to him by LBJ. Justification for this belief? She will attract HORDES of people who would otherwise have voted for McCain.

A case could be made that it is the over-40, middle class and below white voter who has been the swing vote in the U.S. for the last 50 years. Is that situation changing as the demographics of the country change?


Has it changed already?

I would hate to have to find out that it has not yet changed on pain of dealing w/McCain in the driver’s seat for whatever part of four years it would take for nuclear war to erupt.

Wouldn’t you?


Name your terms for this bet, Booman. Gotta include all three sections though, because from the look on Obama’s face…

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I’m thinkin’ that yon Young Messiah done missed Malcolm’s point about chickens coming home to roost in the midst of all of the happily frenzied chicken herding that has been going on in his own backroom meetings.


It’s only what’s for dinner if it gets cooked well.